A food processor yields the flakiest crust, but you can also make this recipe with a pastry blender; work quickly to keep the butter cold. Use this pie...
In celebration of St. Patrick's Day, we've reimagined the traditional drink as a cupcake for grown-ups. The moist, delicate Irish Coffee Cupcakes are flavored...
Chocolate fans will cheer this twist on tiramisu: It has ladyfingers infused with cocoa instead of espresso and an ethereal filling of chocolate and cream...
Custard without the cream? We'll take it. Especially when it's laced with an exotic hint of cardamom, a spice that does more to transport us across the...
Chard leaves turn rich and tender when cooked; here, the mild stems provide a vivid topping for a brunch quiche. To ensure that the phyllo dough does not...
This classic dough produces cookies with a remarkably delicate texture -- they crumble the minute they're in your mouth. Use this dough to make Orange...
This easy two-ingredient dessert uses different types of chocolate to create a holiday bark that resembles a snowy white birch tree. It's perfect for the...
Pineapples that have been poached in rum, sugar, and vanilla are baked beneath a rich dough woven into a geometric pattern, yielding a dessert that's a...
Adorned with candied kumquats and sugared bay leaves, this festive chocolate cake is a fitting adornment for any holiday table. If you can't find Seville-orange...
These frozen melon-margarita pops are tangy hand-held treats that make you feel grown-up and kidlike at the same time. Dip juicy pieces of melons in margarita...
Italian for "half-cold," a semifreddo has the lush texture of a frozen mousse. Our version is even airier, thanks to the meringue folded into the all-American...
Sandwich chocolate meringue discs between milk chocolate ganache and coffee buttercream and frost with more buttercream and crushed hazelnuts for this...
Scoops of mint-chocolate-chip ice cream form the shell of this cool sea turtle. Peeking out through white candy eyes (with chocolate pupils) and flashing...
Cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon give these popsicles their tricolor flair. Puree the fruit with lime juice and condensed milk (or go vegan with a...
The apple pie takes on the flavors of Indian chai (tea). A blend of fennel seeds and ground cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom offers a unique and spicy rendition...
Lemon zest adds zing to shortcakes, which are topped with a mixture of picked berries, shredded basil, lemon juice, and sugar, and a spoonful of vanilla...
Though rugelach is enjoyed year-round, this fruit-and-nut pastry is especially popular during Hanukkah. Cream cheese in the cookie dough -- which is chilled...