The butter, brown sugar, and almonds in this crust make for a really rich flavor -- it tastes like a cookie! Blind-baking before filling keeps it crisp....
These cookies should be very soft when they come out of the oven; be careful not to overbake them. As they cool, they will firm up a bit and develop a...
Swiss meringue buttercream takes on a nutty, toasted flavor with the addition of coconut oil. Use this coconut buttercream to frost our showstopping Meyer-Lemon...
Custard without the cream? We'll take it. Especially when it's laced with an exotic hint of cardamom, drizzled with maple syrup, and starring fresh, tart...
Looking for a new macaroon recipe? Follow these easy directions to make flourless cookies with dried apricots, a dessert that's welcome at both Passover...
Billy Reece of Billy's Bakery, a popular New York City bakery, shared this tempting recipe that works well on a number of baked goods, with Martha-go ahead...
Ingredients associated with Mediterranean fish stews -- garlic, fennel, saffron, and seafood -- are brought together in our Provencal potpie, which is...
Sliced almonds and store-bought amaretti-cookies made from almond flour and egg whites-double the nutty flavor of these crisps, which each serve one or...
With less food coloring than traditional recipes call for, this red velvet looks more like an elegant mauve velvet; the balance of cocoa powder, butter,...
Be prepared for a bounty of mini cinnamon cookies with this recipe -- it yields an impressive 12 dozen. Pack three or four to a bag as party favors or...
This French dessert is composed of layers of meringue, cream, and berries. We used fraises des bois, raspberries, and fresh red currants, but any assortment...
Perfecting the pie that plucks at American heartstrings is simple when an assortment of apples is used. Try mixing some Macoun with Granny Smith, Cortland,...
These melt-in-your-mouth morsels are dainty dynamos. Making the fudge-a mix of marshmallows, chocolate, and milk-is literally a flash in a pan. Then, simply...
Florentines may look as lacy and delicate as a spider web, but they're very simple to prepare. The heat of the oven does most of the work, transforming...
To make this Northeastern interpretation of an old-fashioned upside-down cake, cranberries and toasted pecans are topped with buttery batter, and then...
Individual servings of baked Alaska start as gelato -- strawberry and vanilla -- and chocolate cake that are layered in teacups and frozen overnight. Just...
The wheat berries in this Italian grain pie, known as pastiera, are fitting for the Easter holiday, as they symbolize rebirth and renewal. The grains get...
Marshmallows were originally made from the root of the marshmallow plant; today, corn syrup and sugar are the main ingredients. Homemade marshmallows can...
Even plums that are less than perfect taste fabulous when they're stewed into a compote. Adrizzle of honey over the ice cream hardens like hot fudge, becoming...
This twist on the classic meringue recipe calls for almonds and brown sugar, producing a golden-brown cookie that is crunchy on the outside, deliciously...
Although this dessert is best made immediately before serving, it can be assembled before dinner and refrigerated for up to one hour. If possible, use...
A one-bite wonder, they measure less than two inches across but these cakey cookies don't skim on lemony flavor. A sweet-tart glaze and coarse sanding...
Pommes bonnes femmes is a classic French baked apple dish. Marie-Aude Rose, the Parisian chef behind the much-lauded all-day cafe La Mercerie in New York,...
This frosting keeps well at room temperature for a few hours, however if it starts to get too warm or you are not eating the cupcakes right away, place...
When it comes to making a calzone, it's what's on the inside that counts, so why not explore all the options? Try all these delicious variations: Classic,...