This fork-tender Swiss steak with rich gravy was an often-requested main dish around our house when I was growing up. Mom took pride in preparing scrumptious,...
My cousin is of Mexican heritage, and I've watched her make this crunchy beef burrito recipe for years. The very first time I made them for my own family,...
This is a wonderfully elegant entree to serve at a cozy dinner party for four. Your guests will think you spent hours in the kitchen preparing the tender...
I got this recipe from a friend, who got it from her aunt, who got it from...who knows? Whatever the original source, it's a tasty favorite that's a cinch...
In my Mexican steak fajitas recipe, tender strips of sirloin pick up plenty of spicy flavor from a marinade seasoned with cayenne pepper and cumin. This...
All you need for this tasty dinner is a bag of onions, garlic, some dried pasta, and cheese. Caramelizing sliced onions in a little butter and olive oil...
An abundance of squash from my garden inspired me to make up this stuffed zucchini recipe, which is now a favorite. -Marjorie Roberts, West Chazy, New...
Using no-cook noodles gives you a jump start on assembling this hearty beef and spinach lasagna. It cuts nicely after standing a few minutes, revealing...
I was raised on a farm, so a warm soup with homey ingredients, like this corn chowder with bacon, was always a treat after a chilly day outside. My hearty...
In our family Braciole was served as a special treat for birthdays and holidays. It was Grandma's specialty and the preparation was time consuming. When...
This is Tasty's version of the ultimate chicken pot pie. A creamy chicken gravy made with aromatics and vegetables is baked between two extra-crispy layers...
This Chinese-style pork belly is sweet, salty, and perfectly tender. Slowly cooking the pork in a flavorful mixture of garlic, ginger, and brown sugar...
Mother's secret in preparing this dish was to butter the fish before dusting it with flour. That seals in the moisture and makes the fish so succulent....
Just a skillet, a couple juicy steaks, fresh mushrooms and a few simple ingredients prove it doesn't take much fuss to fix a special meal for two. -Denise...
My husband is not a casserole lover, but this creamy, cheesy chicken tetrazzini is one of his favorites! Nutmeg gives it a wonderful, different taste....
This recipe tastes like an Italian restaurant specialty and cooks while you take care of other things. What a marvelous way to jazz up pasta sauce! -JoAnn...
For a different spin on traditional pea soup, try this split pea soup recipe with corned beef. The flavor is peppery rather than smoky, and a tasty change...
This easy Lemon Herb Marinade can be whipped up in 10 minutes. Zesty herbs and simple ingredients work together to elevate chicken, fish or pork. Feel...
Craving seafood? This nourishing stew from Janis Worley of Hudson, Ohio is a delicious way to baet the winter blahs. "I've yet to find anyone who hasn't...
The first time I made these, my family couldn't get enough, so the next time I made a double batch. This is a favorite for me because it comes together...
Try this wonderfully flavored, easy-to-fix slow-cooker turkey breast when you're craving something delicious. It makes a great holiday dish for smaller...
This chicken recipe offers sweet and savory flavors and a pleasant maple sauce. Tender and loaded with appeal, this entree will please everyone at the...
You'll never need another baked tofu recipe! My version is nice and crispy on the outside while remaining super soft on the inside. -Ralph Jones, San Diego,...
"My husband, Jerry, has been making this stir-fry for many years," explains Mary Loeffler of Imperial, Pennsylvania. "It was an old Chinese recipe, but...
Vegetables and herbs fresh from my garden make this one of our favorite soups. This recipe makes a lot, so it's perfect for large gatherings or to freeze...
Texans like brisket cooked on the smoker, but this recipe offers convenient prep in the oven. Sometimes I make extra sauce to serve on the side. Round...
This is an easy dish to freeze ahead for company. A yummy combination of spiral pasta, crab and sauteed veggies is coated with a buttery sauce, then covered...
"I hope you enjoy this wonderful recipe sent in by a total 'non-fish' person," writes Janet Escovitz of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "I love this baked orange...
Here's a hearty home-style dinner your family will love after a busy day. The slow-cooked beef is wonderful served over mashed potatoes or noodles. -Judy...
I make these tasty loin chops all the time and my family never tires of them. I whip up this pork chop marinade and let them soak overnight to get them...
If you enjoy cooking ethnic foods, this Spanish paella recipe will be a favorite. It's brimming with generous chunks of sausage, shrimp and veggies.-Taste...
"This is truly an old standby that's been in my family for years," Karen Mathis explains from Penfield, New York. "It can be assembled the night before...
The recipe for these moist, tender pork chops was given to me years ago by my best friend. It's become one of my family's favorites and we enjoy it often....
A little brining and a special dry rub go a long way to making the perfect pork chop. Once you've mastered how to cook thick pork chops, you'll be enjoying...
I like to serve this Cajun sensation when I entertain. Etouffee is typically served with shellfish over rice and is similar to gumbo. This dish has its...
Not only are these boats a delightful way to get your veggies, they're basically a one-dish meal that covers all the bases-just grab your favorite garden...
Due to an injury, I'm not as active as I used to be and can't burn off the calories. Because I love Italian food, one of the first things I looked for...
There's a bit of magic going on here: A glaze of brown sugar, mustard, soy sauce and ginger is baked atop salmon to create a sweet-tangy entree. If you...
I cooked up this fresh lasagna for vegetarian customers at a local grocery store, where I work part-time. It's absolutely packed with veggies. -Sam Hunsaker,...
"I COPIED this recipe exactly the way Grandma has written it in her worn cookbook. The only difference today is that I can't get home-smoked ham like those...
My mother used to make this apple stuffed pork loin. To lighten my mom's recipe up a bit, I reduced the amount of croutons called for and used the fat-free...
I turn to polenta when I am in need of some good, old-fashioned comfort food. I suspect it's because there is not much difference between polenta and the...
My mother made many dozens of these and measured ingredients using the palm of her hand. We've passed the recipe down over the years as the family has...