For a sandwich with more pizzazz than the traditional French dip, give this recipe a try. The seasonings give the broth a wonderful flavor, and the meat...
My mother always prepared a holiday turkey much larger than our family could ever eat in one meal so there'd be plenty of leftovers. That's one tradition...
In 46 years of marriage, we had never tasted salmon until a friend told me about poaching it in a low cooker. I tried it and got flaky, moist results with...
I usually have the ingredients on hand for this lemony dish that's ready in a jiff. I use tilapia, but this method peps up any white fish. -Jill Thomas,...
I work in a kitchen preparing lunch for the students at a small private school. I enjoy cooking and entertaining friends and family. My husband and I often...
This quick and easy taco soup is made entirely in one pot and in less than 30 minutes. Topped with cheese, avocado, and all the fixin's, this simple soup...
This cavatini recipe has been in my family as long as I can remember, and it is still a favorite. I love to make it when we have company; it's always a...
The key to this curry chicken is getting complex flavors without heaviness. For the veggies, I like colorful pea pods, sweet red peppers and water chestnuts....
Reel in a breezy taste of the seashore with these easy and delicious crab cakes from Nashville, Tennessee's Amelia Sunderland. TIP: For a heftier "burger,"...
My family always asks me to make this dish for them, especially in the summer when fresh tomatoes and green peppers are readily available. I got the recipe...
Agnes Ward, of Stratford, Ontario says, "These are no ordinary beef kabobs! They're herb-infused and need to marinate at least an hour or overnight for...
My wife, Mailynn, and I both love spicy foods. This is one of her favorite dishes. I've been cooking it as a treat on her birthday for years.-David Collin,...
Tender, hearty and flavorful, this recipe is one of my favorites! Garlic and a splash of lemon add to the fresh taste and heart-healthy benefits of shrimp....
What I love about this lemon shrimp orzo is that it's so tasty and it can be eaten hot or cold. It tastes great with chicken, too. -Aleni Salcedo, East...
My love for okra began as a child and continues to border on just this side of insanity. I love okra. As a young boy, I would smuggle a brown bag full...
This is one of my favorite recipes to make because I can flour and season the steaks and refrigerate them overnight. The next morning, I just put all the...
I've been cooking for 50 years, and this dish is still one that guests request frequently. It is my No. 1 standby recipe and also makes amazing meatball...
This was my mother's recipe and is a nice way to incorporate eggplant into a meal. The thick, chunky sauce is splendid. I like to have it with a glass...
The four different types of cheese make this lasagna a real crowd-pleaser. You can vary the amount of mozzarella, Monterey Jack, provolone and Parmesan...
You'll love my quick version of classic beef macaroni soup. Loaded with veggies and pasta, it's just as good as if you made it all from scratch. -Debra...
"This is a little twist on the great meatloaf my mom made when I was a kid," says Deborah Williams of Peoria, Arizona. "The apple gives it a bit of a sweet...
Pasta dishes are a favorite in our family. I changed the original recipe to suit our tastes...and we all think this comforting casserole is delicious....
"Most people associate peanut butter with snacks or desserts. This fantastic dish proves it also makes a mouthwatering sauce for chicken."-Jeanne Bennett,...
This is a family-friendly recipe that even the kids will like. It's easy to prepare and flavorful enough to share with dinner guests. - Sherry Kozlowski,...
Spaghetti squash, like zucchini, can take over a garden. This is an excellent way to put that abundance to good use. I got the original recipe at a cooking...
To help breading adhere to the fish, pat fillets dry and coat lightly with flour before dipping in egg and dredging in cornmeal coating. Let stand for...
A favorite aunt shared this special chicken kiev with me. It makes attractive individual servings fancy enough to be served for company. They have great...
This hearty stew is a favorite with our family, along with a basket of homemade breadsticks. Since lentils don't require the long soaking time that dried...
Everyone who tries this comforting, cheesy chicken and noodle casserole asks for the recipe. It's so simple to make that sometimes I feel like I'm cheating!...
These steak kabobs not only satisfy my love of outdoor cooking, they feature a mouthwatering marinade, too. It's terrific with chicken and pork, but I...
Asian beef recipes don't get much simpler. This colorful, economical stir-fry dish takes only five ingredients-all of which you're likely to have on hand....
I'm always looking for new and interesting ways to use leftover turkey-especially around the holidays. Make this skillet meal as spicy as you'd like by...
Here is a simple, excellent one-pot recipe for a midweek feast, full of rich flavor, with a sauce that you won't want to waste. It came to The Times in...
Prosciutto, sun-dried tomatoes and a herb cream cheese make a delectable surprise when you cut into these lovely chicken rolls. They're topped with a yummy...
Grilled Meat Loaf is the perfect summertime twist on a comforting family favorite. Shape the meat into loaves and "bake" them on a grill. Ketchup brushed...
Our family loves salmon prepared this way, and it's a real treat to make on a warm summer evening. These fillets may be baked in the oven at 450 degrees...