I'm always on the lookout for low-fat recipes that are scrumptious, too, like this pineapple chicken recipe. Quick-cooking chicken breasts get wonderful,...
"This recipe called for salmon, but I substituted another fish with delicious results," says Lisa Rowley of North East, Maryland. "It saves me time in...
My mother usually didn't care for dumplings. But she raved about this stew...dumplings and all. It's a down-home delicious meal that I make often for my...
I based the recipe for these noodles on a similar dish I found in a magazine. I changed a few things around and my husband and I loved it. It's just as...
A tender and flavorful main course, Veal with Mushroom-Wine Sauce, brings a touch of elegance to the dinner table. "This delicious entree came from a cookbook...
My roasted salmon is so simple but elegant enough to serve to company. I make it on days when I have less than an hour to cook. The salmon seasoning is...
If you need a healthy, keep-it-simple solution to dinner tonight, you just found it. This restaurant-quality tilapia fillet recipe relies on spices you're...
I enjoy all things pasta, and tortellini is my favorite. The flavor of this dish is amazing. Even my husband, who hates pasta of any kind, loves it! It's...
I like recipes with elegant taste and easy technique like this lemony shrimp pasta. Bring on the Parmesan and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes. -Patty Walker,...
You can bring a taste of the tropics to your Christmas table with this flavorful entree. It's been the star of many special meals in our family. -Lois...
You've been itching for a change recently. You know, something to spice things up and throw a spanner into the monotony of routine. Enter: chicken tikka...
This is a nice dish for potluck dinners and picnics-my family really devours it whenever I serve it! My sister used to serve tortilla pie at the hunting...
This chicken fettuccine Alfredo is very creamy and tasty. You'll be surprised it's so low-fat. A filling dish, this recipe mixes tender chunks of chicken...
Frito pie is legendary in the Southwest for being spicy, salty and cheesy fabulous. Here's my easy take on this crunchy classic. -Jan Moon, Alamogordo,...
My three grown children and grandkids enjoy this tempting tenderloin. Leftovers make wonderful sandwiches with oven-fresh bread and Dijon mustard. I sometimes...
Skip greasy takeout food and go for this healthy and fast dinner that's so much more enjoyable. To make it even easier, warm up ready-to-serve brown rice...
Acorn squash gets a sweet and savory treatment when stuffed with sausage, onion, spinach and cranberries to make this pretty autumn entree. Cooking the...
For those who enjoy a main course of lamb, here's a quick and delicious treatment for it. The easy preparation gives me the extra time I need to focus...
Our three children love the spicy flavors found in this Crock-Pot chicken curry. Add more or less curry depending on your taste preferences. -Helen Toulantis,...
You can make this yummy Thai classic in no time. Find fish sauce and chili garlic sauce in the Asian foods aisle of your grocery store. -Elise Ray, Shawnee,...
A good recipe for Salisbury steak recipe is hard to find! I remember enjoying it often when I was growing up, but when I decided to add it to my recipe...
"I love to make this delicious main dish for my brother and me when our parents are at work at dinnertime," reports Jamie Brown of Witchita, Kansas. The...
I love shrimp and I'm always looking for new ways to fix it. This shrimp stir fry features crunchy peanuts and vegetables with a pleasant hint of ginger....
This meatless entree is always a hit. In fact, I double it whenever I know I'm going to feed some big eaters, and it still disappears. -Sharon Csuhta of...
In general, procedures for roasting meat apply to poultry, too. For this dry chicken rub recipe, a blend of paprika, onion powder, garlic powder and cayenne...
For a delicious, fast meal, try this flavorful beef dinner loaded with tomatoes and peppers. What a perfect recipe to use garden vegetables of the season!...
A lot of people fish here on the shore of Lake Michigan, so I've developed quite a few recipes for it, including this grilled salmon recipe. I love it,...
This full-flavored recipe is the result of my mom's love of pasta and our love of cooking together. With a bit of pepper heat and smoky bacon, the entree...
"These seafood kabobs are a big hit with everyone who loves spicy food. Don't forget to use the extra seasoned butter as a dipping sauce!" Mitzi Sentiff...
A savory rosemary and garlic marinade enhances the chicken breasts in this easy skillet recipe from Veronica Snyder of Waterbury, Connecticut. "I like...
"There's one word to describe this recipe: 'Yum!' It's so easy to prepare ahead of time, then fire up the grill when we get home from church on Sunday....
"After sampling some wonderful tuna at a Japanese restaurant, I decided to try my hand at coming up with the recipe," says Michelle Dennis of Clarks Hill,...
With tasty tender slices of beef and fresh colorful vegetables, this mouthwatering stir-fry was designated "a keeper" by my husband the first time I made...
I don't know the origin of this recipe, but it's one that has been in my family for a long time. I can remember eating it often as a little girl.-Beverly...
I tried to mimic Jambalaya from my favorite restaurant and it turned out so well my daughter and husband now prefer my recipe and won't order it when we...
In a world where chipotle is almost a supermarket staple, it's fair to say that authentic Mexican food has gone mainstream. And we couldn't be happier:...
This lentil soup with ham is a combination of two soup recipes I came across and adapted. I often serve it for Sunday dinner, making enough so there are...
Try this roast for baked-in barbecue flavor! My daughter makes it in the slow cooker and it turns out great that way, too. Leftovers? Shred and serve in...
It's not fancy, and it doesn't use exotic ingredients...but this is quite simply the best old-fashioned meat loaf I've ever made.-Mary Rea, Orangeville,...
This rich and cheesy casserole freezes so well that no one would ever guess it had been on ice! It'll appeal to all ages. Margaret McNeil - Germantown,...
You don't have to wait until the fall to enjoy delicious cranberry flavor. By using a canned sauce, you can get the flavor no matter what time of year.-Kay...
We often have our favorite pasta when company comes over, and I've shared this Italian sausage recipe several times. Now many of my friends make it for...