This simple lamb stir-fry is a Kerala specialty. It makes a nice light meal when paired with rava dosa or fried puri-or serve it with dhal, chutney, and...
Thai fish curry is a 20 minute dinner recipe that tastes like a special treat. The fish is gently poached in a flavorful, coconut curry sauce that's...
Burgers aren't the only grilled things we want to eat with our hands. Thanks to a flavorful brine and a supershort cook time, sandwich-friendly boneless...
This one-pan dinner gets topped with yogurt sauce, radishes, and pomegranate seeds to add a fun layer of fresh tartness to the sweetly spiced pork and...
The essential ingredients for this Portuguese-inspired Indian dish are wine vinegar and garlic. Additions of mustard seeds, cumin, turmeric, and chiles...
In this dish from Kerala, fresh juicy shrimps are gently poached in herb-laced coconut milk. The spicing here is kept very subtle, so that the natural...