This is a mild curry, from the Burmese coastal area. With only three spices this is an easy dish to prepare, and cook. It can be served with rice or noodles...
Chickpea Tikka Masala is made with homemade Recipe #534840, spinach, mushrooms and carrots and finished with coconut milk for a rich, slightly spicy vegan...
I remember eating fish curries in Bangladesh as a child. This is my version of one that I remember! Fish curries are always easy to prepare as the fish...
I completely love this dal - it is so flavoursome and creamy and delicious! It's also my husband's favourite at the moment, so while the recipe makes a...
This sinfully good recipe is from the Foodcourt column by Anjali Vellody from the Weekend magazine for this week. She is a Food Writer with 15 years of...
This recipe comes from the famous Hon's Wun-Tun House in Vancouver, B.C. The recipe is a favorite with many. This is a lengthy recipe to prepare, but is...
No idea where I got this recipe, but it is one of my favorites. Use your favorite vegetables. I tend to use mushrooms, carrots, and zucchini, but anything...
This is a variation of Tarka Dahl, a North Indian dish of yellow lentils seasoned with garlic and spiced oil. Although this recipe contains a whole head...
5-Ingredient Fix Contest Entry. An easy twist on a traditional Indian curry. Quick and only five ingredients -- Simply Potatoes, chickpeas, spicy diced...
This recipe is an ideal introduction to spicier food for young children or those who just aren't very adventurous! It can be whipped up in no time at all,...
I used the remaining braising liquid to heat hokkein noodles in to eat with the duck. This recipe looks involved, but is so simple a kid could do it! Remember...
A delicious main dish that uses up those leftover hard boiled eggs from Easter. The lady who prepared this on the show said that her mother used to make...
A traditional Ethiopian/Eritrean dish. Very hot, so be prepared. If you're used to hot curries, you'll love it! Berbere pepper is a spice mix of mostly...
Stolen from Sapna Magazine Online, edited for clarity. This version has 75% less fat and 60% fewer calories than the traditional Murgh Makhani. Edited...
I served this delicious curry at my 30th birthday. You can use any white fish fillets that keep their shape well. I used economic frozen fish. This recipe...
"Chicken korma is a beloved Indian recipe that came from the Moghuls (the Muslim rulers of much of India from the 16th to 19th centuries). The meat is...
This is a great accompaniment or main course for a Thai dinner, wonderfully aromatic, and very tasty! Based on a Madhur Jaffrey recipe, my husband makes...
Ever since I married my husband, who is from southern India, I have discovered an entirely delicious world of Indian cuisine. Below is an authentic recipe...
My best friend is Indian and I got this from her. It is simple, authentic, and very flavorful. The ingredients can be easily tweaked to please even the...
Tempeh and sweet potatoes in in coconut curry sauce served over over rice. From "Cooking Light". Curry can be simplified using a curry paste or even curry...
This is one of those "eyeball" recipes that I've been throwing together for some time. Since I've been wanting to keep track of what I eat, I just added...
My dh & I love Thai curries. This one is very special. Hope that you will enjoy this delicious dish as much as we do. Another flavorful dish that is quick...
This is a wonderful way to serve garbanzo beans, AKA chickpeas. This dish has a rich tomato-cream sauce with a Caribbean flare. Serve with mildly flavored...
Another of my Indian cooking class tutor's recipes. I have a grinder so grind the seeds to make powder as stated, otherwise using store-brought powder...
Chicken in a creamy, mild curry sauce. From my Grandma's recipe box, I grew up with this and had no idea it was so easy until my late 20's. I get many...
For those of you who think that cauliflower is bland maybe this will change your mind. Found it in a gem of a little cookbook called "Canadian Garden Cookbook"....
My Mom came across this delicious recipe years ago and was a family favorite. It can be doubled or tripled for extra servings to freeze. You may use any...
A vivacious south Indian favorite with tropical flair, that seamlessly marries robust earthy flavors, heat and acidity with the rich cooling effect of...
This is a simple recipe which I learnt from Dad. Bombay Duck is a delicate fish which is popularly deep fried. This recipe is a Bengali version of the...
This dish is so full of flavor, color, and different textures. I am not sure if this is an authentic indian dish as I make it or not. Honestly I have rarely...
I really enjoy Thai food. This recipe is so easy and flavorful. In the Thai dishes I've eaten green beans are usually served very crisp. I generally don't...