My MIL is Cajun and makes the best etoufee recipe I have ever tried. This I feel is equally as good and much lower in fat and calories too!!! Trust me...
Mudbug Madness is one of my favorite festivals (Shreveport, LA). Crawfish season isn't until March and I am so ready. This is the recipe my husband and...
After a trip to Jazz Fest, I went searching for an EASY and SIMPLE recipe that mimics their famous stuffed crawfish bread without a million ingredients...
This is a old fire house favorite from Lafayette Regional Airport Fire Department in Louisiana. I worked there for three years and we cooked all the time....
I am married, have a daughter, and work full-time outside the home. Nutritious, quick and simple is my game. This is a simple meal that can be prepared...
What else can be said about this classic Cajun dish but...yummy! For those of you who are short on time not only sells the crawfish...
This recipe for Crawfish Bisque (Crawfish Balls Instead of Heads), by Rose Martin - Administrative Services, is from A Taste of Geismar, one of the cookbooks...
An appetizing first course from the flavor center of the universe, Louisiana. Courtesy of Chef Mike Fennelly of Mike's on the Avenue, featured in The Louisiana...
I've had these great little appetizers for years. They're served all over South MS and LA. This particular recipe came from The Cajun Family Collection....
It's yummy! My husband and son love it. I got the etouffee recipe from a Cajun friend of mine. It's quick and simple. I decided to serve in a bread boat...
Hot Crawfish Dip is a great fast, tasty dish to make when friends pop in and you want just a little something! Just take a bag of frozen "American" crawfish...
A very subtle and simple Swedish method for crawfish (or shrimp) by Andreas Viestad. It has a very distinct almost "caramelized" aroma. I saw this prepared...
That first perfect bite of a great Creole meal. Creole Cream Cheese is quite different from regular cream cheese. It's tart, and has a smoother, more liquefied...
An appetizing first course from the flavor center of the universe, Louisiana. This twist on the traditional turns pasta into deep fried fritters. Courtesy...
My sweetie loves this! Don't let the amount of ingredients scare you off-it's quick to make especially if you use the frozen crawfish. Serve with salad,...
This is crawfish time and this is made with left over crawfish tails. A rich tomato sauce, spicy and served over noodles or rice. Serve over fresh cooked...
DH decided he could "outdo" my crawfish dip for a recent get together we had. After combining 3 different recipes, I'll have to say that he came up with...
Popcorn rice is big industry in Louisiana. Popcorn Rice, which when cooked, has the aroma of freshly popped popcorn. You can sub jasmine rice, which has...
This delicious chilled soup recipe, courtesy of chef Emeril Lagasse is a perfect summer dish, Cook soup until corn is very tender and to serve ladle soup...
We love Scampi and this is an easy and delicious way to prepare them. Luckily we can purchase fresh scampi at the Sydney Fish Markets. You can substitute...
My DH got this recipe from a true Cajun while visiting an offshore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Not a typical etouffee, but tasty none the less....
An authentic Louisiana recipe with a rich and spicy fresh tomato based roux with fresh garlic, bell peppers, celery and onions mixed with crawfish and...
This is REALLY rich, so if you're looking at the fat/calorie count, don't even bother with this! You could probably use shrimp or crab in place of the...