This hot crab-flavored spread is a spicy twist on the usual crab spreads. Pepperjack cheese and jalapenos will heat things up at your next party! Serve...
This is a skinnier version of classic Maryland crab dip. We tend to use crab dip as a condiment in Maryland, we put it on anything! Try using veggies instead...
Everyone will love the flavor of crabmeat in this creamy dip that is simple to prepare and delicious when served with chips or crackers. Adjust the amount...
I was once served a curry crab appetizer that I loved, and searched all over the Internet looking for a recipe that was close. This is my own recipe created...
Quick, easy, warm, creamy and ADDICTIVE!!! This very simple crabmeat dip will put a smile on the face of even your crabbiest guests! Serve with your favorite...
This is my mom's famous Crab Dip that is easy to prepare and always a hit at every party!! My favorite way is to serve with your favorite dip cracker....
As your guests finish off the last tasty bites of this creamy crabmeat dip, you'll smile remembering how simple it was to prepare. Serve it with crackers...
This recipe can be served hot or cold with a variety of different crackers or bread. It can be placed in a loaf of hollowed out sourdough bread; the bread...
This is a Christmas Eve tradition in our house. It's rich, delicious, and worth spending the money on the lump crabmeat. It's to-die-for good! Serve with...
This hot crab and artichoke dip recipe is the best one around! Very flavorful and a crowd pleaser! Easy to make and mmm good! From a native Marylander...
This is just the best crab dip ever! Try it and I promise, it will all be eaten and the recipe asked for! Best served with buttery, round crackers, but...
Hot Jalapeno Crab cheese spread. Serve hot with crackers or sliced French bread. For a more Mexican taste, replace lemon juice with lime juice and serve...
The addition of garlic mushroom soup mix gives this dip some kick! Serve a French baguette, crackers or crostini alongside this steaming dish to give your...
Everyone will enjoy this quick dip. Rich, flavorful imitation crab is delicious when combined with cocktail sauce and cream cheese. Dip your favorite crackers...
This is a creamy, delicious fondue! It is a hit whenever I make it. Guests get so excited to get a big piece of crab and much noise is made when it slips...
This recipe can be served hot or cold with a variety of different crackers or bread. It can be placed in a loaf of hollowed out sourdough bread; the bread...