This recipe shines a new light on a classic. Cooking a chuck roast slow-and-low allows it time to fully develop its flavor. Pair it with a fresh chickpea...
Keep in mind that the level of heat in harissa pastes varies widely from brand to brand-adjust how much you add depending on your preference. If your stew...
Yes, you can buy just a turkey breast for this recipe. And when you cook it without the rest of the bird, you eliminate all those whole-bird problems....
Cooking the beans with all the dried spices leaves you with an intensely flavorful broth that's just as delicious as the beans themselves. Keep the beans...
Salmon is full of protein, vitamin A, and omega fatty acids, which are essential to the proper functioning of the heart and brain. This recipe for coriander-crusted...
This popcorn is a take on the Indian snack chiwda, a sweet and savory mix often made with puffed rice, dried fruit, nuts, spices, and herbs. It's a mainstay...
This Flintstonian cut is impressive, and the bone lends flavor as the meat braises. But if you prefer, a boneless tied leg of lamb is a little more manageable...
Tender lettuces get topped with juicy spiced chicken, ripe mangos, soft avocado, and cherry tomatoes. There's so much flavor and texture going on that...
The power of a tangy, vinegary brine, but in powdered form. This spice rub brightens and invigorates roasted chicken, seared fish and shines when sprinkled...
Store-bought puff pastry and a meat-and-potatoes filling come together as your New Year's Eve dinner centerpiece. The trick to getting a tender and indulgent...
Stash bags of these spice-rubbed pork tenderloin strips in your freezer to use to make stir-fries, fajitas, soups, salads, sandwiches, and more family-friendly...
Chefs do crazy things with nuts. In this otherwise straightforward chicken dish, cashews are transformed into a creamy sauce, and candied spiced walnuts...
This pungent, spicy, and garlicky broth is a riff on rasam, a South Indian soup. Tamarind juice typically acts as the base for the dish, but here tomato...