The holiday season calls for toasts, which, in turn, call for bubbly. Sure, you could pour a glass of sparkling Prosecco, but turning it into a celebratory...
Creamy white chocolate makes a rich, milky finish for these deliciously spiced cookies. For the best flavor, buy the highest quality white chocolate you...
A basket of unusual breadsticks will vanish in no time. The fact that you scatter the strips of dough on baking sheets rather like pick-up sticks results...
We've adapted the classic roast into a buffet-style, serve-yourself dish, with options: make a sandwich (with cornichons and horseradish sauce) if you...
Buttery and lush with garlic, this dish, though simple to prepare, feels indulgent. Editors Note: Want to know more about how to make this dish? Check...
We took a cue from traditional Italian tonnato sauce (which uses canned oil-packed tuna) and combined it with classic deviled egg filling. Topped with...
This recipe looks more daunting than it actually is. You basically make a bread dough with a bit of butter and egg in it, knead it for a while, the leave...
To keep lobsters alive in your fridge for up to one day, pack in damp newspaper. You can substitute eight frozen tails; sear per recipe method, then use...
Many gravlax recipes will instruct you to drain, turn, and babysit the fish while it cures. Not this one: Set it and forget it. Three days later it will...
The tradition of Sicilian cooking is well documented in Anna Tasca Lanzas works, and she is the zen mistress of all of the islands fascinating food...