A wonderful alternative to the standard red chili. This slow cooker chili is made with chicken, white beans, and green chiles with tomatillos. Serve with...
Savory, smoky, easy-to-make chili. Sometimes I add a can of corn, too. Maybe have some sweet corn bread muffins with honey on the side. You could use black...
A different way to prepare chili and cornbread! This is a bit on the spicier side, so go easy on the chili powder and jalapenos for a milder version. This...
This recipe is one that I have made several times now. It is very tasty and nutritious. It is a little spicy. Can serve with corn bread or over pasta topped...
This chili has always been great during football season--and the rest of the year! But I like to make it a little healthier by reducing the fat and sodium...
I looked at the top 5 recipes on this site, combined my favorite ingredients from each, plus a few of my own (Sriracha®/adobe sauce) and...ta-da! A meaty,...
This is a very good chili made with pineapple for sweetness. Since this is a large recipe, you might want to go half-batch if this is just for a small...
This spicy chili recipe uses ground buffalo. To step up the heat, use different peppers and experiment with the seasonings. This gets even better if you...
When I need a healthy, easy dinner for the family, I get out my slow cooker and make this chili. Chicken, cannellini beans, and salsa verde make this a...
The smokiness of the bacon and liquid smoke complements the spiciness of the chorizo and sweetness of the chocolate in this chili. Just like any other...
A meaty, sweet and spicy ground beef chili, great for fall football tailgates and parties. This recipe makes a lot so be prepared to use a big pot! Serve...
This is a simple recipe for Texas chili I learned from my mother. I like my chili with a little fire to it, but you can adjust this recipe to your liking....
Tasty chili whose name says it all! Note: Whole Anaheim peppers are not widely available; this ingredient is optional, and you can use hot pepper sauce...
This chicken chili has few ingredients with lots of flavor. If you are looking for something quick and healthy, this is the recipe to use. This is wonderful...
This is a thick, hearty vegetarian chili that is a hit at parties even among die-hard meat eaters. The TVP gives it the texture of ground beef, and the...
I came up with this recipe the first week of October, when I was participating in a chili cook-off in Mountain Home, ID. Came out great and every judge...
My friend Keni's love of smokey chipotle peppers inspired this recipe. It comes together perfectly and is a unique chili that will stand out against others....
Throw summer's fresh vegetables into a pot and stew them up for an antioxidant-packed, Southwestern-flavored treat. Black beans also have fiber, folic...
This is an old family recipe that my mom has cooked for 50 years. It's a wonderful, 'stick-to-the-ribs' meal that goes wonderful with warm cornbread or...
This bean chowder is similar to chili. It's one of the most popular dishes at Tulsa Public Schools. Those of us growing up in the 60's and 70's remember...
I won a blind taste test chili cookoff with this chili against nine traditional beef chilis! Garnish with shredded Tex-Mex cheese, crushed corn chips,...
I like chili, but I'm not a fan of heat for heat's sake. I wanted something that would warm me up but not be overwhelmingly hot, and this was the result....
A sweeter version of a traditional chili using honey and cinnamon. The butternut squash is a wonderful addition adding more nutrients and balancing out...
Great hearty soup for a cold night. Double for large groups. It's always a favorite! Everyone asks me for this recipe every time I make it. Serve with...
When you ask someone why they don't use a pressure cooker, one of the most common replies is something to the effect of: I'm really not into being killed...
It doesn't get easier than this! Brown some meat, then toss in the rest of the ingredients and hit start! Feel free to adjust the heat level by adding...
This is the easiest chili recipe, and it is delicious and sure to please everyone. Using home canned tomatoes gives the best flavor, but is not necessary....
This spicy beef chili is a recipe I whipped together after getting bored with the soup-like chilis that are all too common among our friends and families....
Really easy and super versatile salsa verde chicken chili. Thicken it up by cutting back on the broth and serve with tortilla scoops, or use it as enchilada...
This is a basic recipe for non-traditional chili using steak. My wife is allergic to chili powder, so I don't use any in this recipe, but you are welcome...
Chili is always a little bit of experimentation, a whole lot of flavor, and one of my absolute favorite dishes. There is always a little give and take...
Delicious chili with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, peppers, carrots, corn, and several kinds of beans. Great as a snack or as a whole meal. Can feed an...
This recipe has been used by me for several years, but keeps getting changed just a bit every time depending on what is in the pantry and freezer. If you...