Adapted from a recipe in 'Terrific Chicken: 100 great meals in minutes'. If you're craving crispy chicken, this Mediterranean-style chicken is fairly quick...
A simple and quick main dish designed for busy nights or cooking novices. Add a steamed vegetable and rice and a tasty dinner is on the table in 30 minutes...
My son has food allergies and my husband is watching his weight. I had to come up with recipes that fit both my son's and husbands health issues. This...
We really enjoy this simple stir-fry. I usually add minced garlic, minced ginger, and any other veggies I happen to have on hand, so it never seems to...
Delicious flavorful chicken dish that is as fast and easy to make as it is tasty! All amounts are approximate and can be tweaked to suit your tastes, I...
This is a copycat recipe of Popeye's Popcorn Shrimp and Chicken (Tender, crispy shrimp and chicken seasoned in Louisiana herbs and spices then served up...
Came up with this easy recipe when looking for something just a little bit different. Smells divine while cooking, tasty and comes together quickly. Although...
I love using feta cheese in this easy recipe, which is simple enough for a weeknight recipe yet elegant enough to serve guests. The amount of spinach is...
The "sauce" is what makes these quesadillas unique. Serve with Pico de gallo or your favorite salsa. Directions for both a grill or stovetop. From Sunset...
This recipe comes from I haven't tried it yet, but it looks wonderful! As soon as I get a chance to make this dish, I'll let you...
This is amazing! I got this recipe from a lady I met on my honeymoon in Bali. It's Indonesian home cooking so it's more authentic than the Satay you could...
This casserole is heavenly! It has the most wonderful flavor! This one is best if you cook the chicken, rather than buy pre-cooked chicken or use leftovers,...
So easy and really delicious--a family staple! The sweetness of Russian dressing and apricot jam are offset by the salty onion soup mix. Chicken is tender...
A stove-top method. Taken from the expanded new edition of her classic best-selling book, Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking, this is the recipe that Jaffrey...
My family loves this recipe I got from my Mom when I got married. It's one of my favorites. I usually double or triple the rice part of this recipe my...
I'm not even sure where this recipe came from, it's been around so long. It sounds complicated, but it's really pretty simple, and goes together pretty...
This is a dish we were served one night on one of the Princess Cruise ships. Tender, with a wonderful flavour. Of course when they served it, it was "dressed...
In search of a (cough cough) better way to eat breaded chicken, I found this worked really well when done correctly. As if there is anyway to eat breaded...
Great served with rice as a main course or use as appys with dipping sauce. Soak the skewers while the chicken is marinading to save time. These go very...
Posted in response to a request; obtained in an online search. Sounds so delicious that I'm going to have to try it SOON! The OLIVE GARDEN menu describes...
Oh My! IF you want to impress someone by a chicken dish that will leave them asking for more and extremely delighted by the dish, then fix this! It is...
This is the most delicious marinade for large amounts of chicken that you are going to grill. I originally came up with this recipe when I was looking...
This recipe is from a Sicilian cooking site. To make Scaloppine with lemon, substitute the Marsala with the juice of a lemon. Boiled or mashed potatoes...
Stuffing chicken breasts with a tangy cheese mixture is a great way to add flavor. And it couldn't be easier: simply mix together a few ingredients, slit...
After making fresh batch of bruschetta one day, I decided to use it on chicken instead of on toasted baguette. This has become one of my family's favorite...
So yummy. So easy. So fast. Healthy, too! One of my mom's easy dinners. Bok choy is a leafy vegetable that tastes kind of like a cross between lettuce...
Chicken breasts are stuffed with apples, Brie and herbs; topped with a warm cider sauce, carmelized onions and tender cinnamon-apples. This is a deliciously...
This recipe came from another recipe site. It is mouthwatering delicious. Beautiful presentation. Simple, simple, simple to make. Originally found the...
This recipe if for 4 chicken pastries, you can double the recipe. I always add in some fresh well browned sauteed mushrooms on top of the chicken breast...
Adapted from recipe found at: Haven't tried this one yet, but am eager to! It is nice that it just involves baking the...
Nice and crispy and a tad spicy, the perfect appetizer. The trick to perfect fried chicken is to control the temperature of your oil. Too hot and the food...
This recipe is easy to prepare, tastes great, and the flavors are so well blended! The sauce is tangy and sweet and reminds me of the Caribbean. The recipe...
COMFORT FOOD!!! My family has enjoyed this special soup for years. Simple and easy! It has a very creamy taste and is very nourishing! Note: Bone-in chicken...
This is THE most AWESOME grill marinade I've ever tasted in my life! I don't know where my Mom got this, but there is no match that I've ever known
From my mother-in-law. If you don't have coconut milk you can use 2/3 cup hot water and 3 Tbsp coconut milk powder. You can also use fresh mango instead...