This dish is so fast to make, and is company worthy. For faster preparation- wilt the spinach at the same time you drain the pasta. You can also take three...
Guests are always impressed by this recipe! Adapted from a friend's recipe for chicken cacciatore that uses bone-in chicken pieces simmered in sauce. I...
A different and delicious way to enjoy chicken livers. To make this dish healthier, I like to use yolkless noodles. I have made this for many of my friends...
Cubed chicken breast cooked in the slow cooker with a simple, creamy sauce mixture. This is so good, and so easy to make on a busy day. Serve over hot...
Protein-rich noodle soup that you can whip up in no time. Add all the ingredients in a portable container and just add water and egg when you are ready...
Penne pasta tossed with asparagus, red peppers, pecans, and Parmesan cheese in a delicious sauce that is creamy without being over-powering. This has been...
A fantastic meld of cheesy-broccoli-chicken goodness! One of my family's favorites! Anytime I see them, this is one of the dishes that I HAVE to cook....
A fantastic meld of cheesy-broccoli-chicken goodness! One of my family's favorites! Anytime I see them, this is one of the dishes that I HAVE to cook....
It's so hard to find recipes with Mizithra cheese other than the typical browned butter, so here is a new twist on an old favorite! Great for summer evenings!...
A fantastic meld of cheesy-broccoli-chicken goodness! One of my family's favorites! Anytime I see them, this is one of the dishes that I HAVE to cook....
A fantastic meld of cheesy-broccoli-chicken goodness! One of my family's favorites! Anytime I see them, this is one of the dishes that I HAVE to cook....
Penne pasta tossed with asparagus, red peppers, pecans, and Parmesan cheese in a delicious sauce that is creamy without being over-powering. This has been...
Not a recipe for people on a diet - chicken, sausage, and penne is baked in a creamy tomato sauce. I cook the meats, pasta, and sauce all at the same time,...
We are trying to eat more greens in our diet, and rapini (aka broccoli rabe) is one of our favorites! Toss in some leftover rotisserie chicken and penne...
Sauteed chunks of chicken breast in tomatoes with fresh vegetables, served over penne pasta. My friends have passed this recipe around they like it so...
We are trying to eat more greens in our diet, and rapini (aka broccoli rabe) is one of our favorites! Toss in some leftover rotisserie chicken and penne...
Sauteed chunks of chicken breast in tomatoes with fresh vegetables, served over penne pasta. My friends have passed this recipe around they like it so...
Sauteed chunks of chicken breast in tomatoes with fresh vegetables, served over penne pasta. My friends have passed this recipe around they like it so...