Butterflied chicken breasts are stuffed with a garlic, chive, and cream cheese mixture, wrapped with a slice of bacon, and topped with butter. Very delicious...
A delightful take on chicken with fresh raspberries and oranges, this recipe is special enough for company or casual dinners with the family. My husband...
A delightful take on chicken with fresh raspberries and oranges, this recipe is special enough for company or casual dinners with the family. My husband...
A delightful take on chicken with fresh raspberries and oranges, this recipe is special enough for company or casual dinners with the family. My husband...
A delightful take on chicken with fresh raspberries and oranges, this recipe is special enough for company or casual dinners with the family. My husband...
This is just something I threw together when I had a bunch of butternut squash that I needed to use. It turned out really tasty, so I decided to write...
This is just something I threw together when I had a bunch of butternut squash that I needed to use. It turned out really tasty, so I decided to write...
This recipe is a great change of pace recipe from the norm. My husband said who would of thought?....Pears and Bacon? I usually serve it over pasta, rice...
This is a great recipe for anytime-but it's especially great for those of us who like to cook several meals on the weekend in preparation for a busy week....
This is a great recipe for anytime-but it's especially great for those of us who like to cook several meals on the weekend in preparation for a busy week....
Baked chicken breasts marinated in Italian dressing and Greek seasoning, topped with Havarti cheese, green chili pepper, and sauteed mushrooms. Pairs beautifully...
Easy, delicious, and cheesy chicken breasts--with plenty of Asiago flavor! Add a touch of black pepper, balsamic vinegar, and additional Asiago cheese...
This chicken can be spicy or mild but whichever way you choose it is definitely born in Texas! Add avocado, black olives or pico de gallo to the inside...
Mayonnaise and soup stirred into cooked chicken breast and rice with a little onion/celery saute, then topped with slivered almonds and cereal crumbs....
Chicken breasts baked with a creamy white wine sauce. This quick and easy recipe is one of my husband's favorites. The taste far exceeds the preparation,...
Breaded chicken breasts baked with a sweet, sticky sauce with a bite. Very easy to prepare. This is a family favorite, and if you want to impress someone,...
Use your Instant Pot® to turn frozen chicken breasts, basmati rice, and whatever veggies you have on hand into a filling and delicious dinner on those...
This is a chicken recipe that my family absolutely loves. It is chicken breast marinated in lime juice, orange juice, lemon juice, mint, and honey. It...
This dish is colorful and the ingredients prepared ahead of time. Your family and friends will love this recipe! Note: the most time consuming part of...
Baked Chicken Oscar with creamy Havarti cheese, crab, and Hollandaise sauce is served with crisp asparagus and roasted red potatoes. Measurements do not...
Baked Chicken Oscar with creamy Havarti cheese, crab, and Hollandaise sauce is served with crisp asparagus and roasted red potatoes. Measurements do not...
Very flavorful chicken and asparagus dish with almost a hollandaise-inspired flavor with a little crunch from the Panko breadcrumbs. Quick and easy to...
This recipe is quick, simple and good. It can be made low fat with a few simple substitutions: 1) One piece of bacon per breast; 2) One half can of low...
A tangy, spicy and crunchy appetizer made with chicken and pretzels. Delicious! Note: DO NOT use any of the 'sauce' used for dredging the raw chicken as...
A tangy, spicy and crunchy appetizer made with chicken and pretzels. Delicious! Note: DO NOT use any of the 'sauce' used for dredging the raw chicken as...
A tangy, spicy and crunchy appetizer made with chicken and pretzels. Delicious! Note: DO NOT use any of the 'sauce' used for dredging the raw chicken as...
A tangy, spicy and crunchy appetizer made with chicken and pretzels. Delicious! Note: DO NOT use any of the 'sauce' used for dredging the raw chicken as...
This only takes about 25 minutes to make. Very easy and fabulous flavor! This is very popular in Thailand. They sell this on the streets as well as in...