Ground beef, fresh onion, green bell pepper, tomatoes and rice are simmered in a sweet-hot sauce of chile, brown sugar, cumin and Worcestershire. This...
A classic family favorite deconstructed. My kids love stuffed green peppers, but don't like to eat the whole peppers, so I came up with this to make it...
With my in-home day care, I am always looking for some good home-cooked meals to feed the kids. This was a hit and the kids wanted me to make it again...
I got this recipe from a friend, and my whole family loves it - not to mention how easy it is to make! Note: If you wish, you can just boil 4 or 5 boneless...
Creamy, cheesy, keto-friendly vegetables. Bonus: All of the ingredients can be found at Costco®! Our family loved it. Throw something crunchy on top of...
This is a delicious layered dish of chili and macaroni and cheese, topped with tortilla chips and cheese for a nice crunch. Serve with a dollop of sour...
This was made from Thanksgiving leftovers, and ingredients in my pantry. It's a family favorite and a hit at Pot lucks. With leftovers, it's a breeze,...
If you love the rich flavors of cheese and sausage, this recipe is for you. This is a wonderful quick dinner idea. Perfect for families on the run and...
Got this recipe from a friend WAY back in junior high. Super simple and tastes delicious. My kids ask for it all the time. If you love enchiladas, you'll...
A great casserole to make with Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey leftovers. The hint of curry really makes this recipe great! Adapted from a recipe by Diana...
You can't go wrong with meat and potatoes, and this recipe combines them in one dish. The recipe was given to my husband by a friend at work who brought...
This is a quick and easy dish, great for potlucks or picnics. It is a delicious combination of hearty ingredients, and I have always been asked for the...
It looks complicated but this is actually a quick and hearty meal of veggies, tortellini, and cream sauce. This recipe is great for entertaining because...
I made a very large pot roast and gave some to my neighbor. The next day she shared this recipe that she made with it. It's absolutely delicious and a...