A pureed vegetable soup can be an impressive, easy and affordable first course for an elegant dinner, or even a light dinner on its own with salad and...
A recipe a friend gave me, that I've used a couple of times with great success!! Butternut squash, carrots, and ginger each bring a unique quality to this...
This easy carrot and coriander soup is lovely and creamy, with a bit of a twang. It's an ideal winter warmer or a spicy starter which delights the palate....
This restaurant-quality soup is hearty and very tasty! I didn't have onions at home when I made this. Although the soup turned out really flavorful without...
I learned to make this soup after living in the United Kingdom for 10 years. This soup is incredibly simple to make with just a few ingredients. Coriander...
I like to make this soup as a starter when I have guests. It can easily be made in advance, but only add creme fraiche, orange juice, and orange zest right...
I developed this recipe while in the Dominican Republic. Living in a small, rural beach town, I had to be resourceful with ingredients that were available...
Ribollita means twice-cooked, or 'reboiled,' in Italian. A white bean stock is livened up with greens, tomatoes, and potatoes with added slices of toasted...
My daughter Dylan (age 5) is the light of my life. She is smart, funny, and very creative. I try to encourage her as much as I can. Last week, Dylan told...
This was something I created off the cuff because I thought the flavors would combine well... and boy, did they! Star anise is used in pho which I love,...
This is a vegan spin on a Bavarian carrot soup. It is very delicious and I have even seen it made with other vegetables, like beets, as the star of the...
This recipe takes baby carrots along with other wonderful ingredients to create a creamy soup that is sure to please! Peeling and chopping is kept to a...
A somewhat spicy, yet very healthy soup to suit your hunger. Garnish this soup with chopped, fresh cilantro, thinly sliced scallions, a dollop of plain...
Deliciously smooth and satisfying soup that is easy on your waist, wallet, and time. You can switch it up by adding different spices such as curry or ginger....
The mystery here is all the yummy goodies hidden in the soup. I cook for a lot of picky eaters and they've never been the wiser; they love this soup! I'm...
I developed this soup after visiting Fiji and it has been a big hit with the East Indians. I did not use any dill weed in the original recipe; however,...
A twist on the traditional ginger carrot soup made in the slow cooker - plus, it's vegan! The whole house will smell amazing! Serve with a dash of coconut...
I developed this recipe after spending sometime in Fiji where I fell in love with the East Indian type of cooking. You can hardly tell that this soup has...
As beautiful as they are tasty, purple carrots make a delicious soup filled with antioxidants. This recipe adds a bit of fresh garlic and ginger to give...