I found this recipe in my father-in-laws Prudence Penny,s cookbook He used on the American Air Force base were he was a cook. The recipe has great flavor...
I received this recipe from a restaurant called " The Antlers " in So Michigan. This is a great recipe, can be prepared early in the day, then pan fried...
A light and delicious lasagna that has hot peppers to spice up a tangy tomato sauce with sockeye salmon and green beans to make a healthy alternative to...
The village of Shedden Southwestern Ontario, celebrates Rosy Rhubarb Days on the second weekend in June. This is one of the many recipes from their fund...
These recipes and tips are on the side of a Canada Corn Starch box. I have used this product always and I have never had it fail me. Although it is called...
I like to make my batter in the morning and have it very cold when you pour it into the pans. Try substituting parmesan cheeseor other herbs. I like this...
This is a different way to prepare homemade fish and chips all at the same time!! I found this unique recipe in a local newspaper, the writer's 89 year...
This recipe is by David Veljacic a Canadian BBQ Champion. You need time to marinade the salmon overnight in the fridge. It is a fantastic recipe. Please...
These oysters are luscious!! Great appy or do lots and make a meal out of them with a salad, actually you should make lots anyway, they go very fast as...
Clamato is very popular in Canada. One of my hubby's favourite drinks is a Bloody Caesar (a Canadian version of a Bloody Mary, made with Clamato juice),...
I learned this recipe while I was taking a home economics class in high school (a long time ago). I have prepared these 'eggs in a basket' for my children...
Thanks to my D/W for this recipe for Mediterranean Butter. It makes any bread taste freshly baked. WARNING:! Don't begin your meal with this bread and...
It sounds crazy, but it's a terrific way to cook salmon. The method is over 5000 years old developed by the Haida Nation of the pacific northwest. The...
Yorkies are an easy, awesome side dish. I use a heavy, oven-proof wok to make for one large pudding, and cut it in wedges to serve. But most people like...
This is my own spin on my French-Canadian grandmother's pea soup. It's actually about the same, I just never use green split peas because I don't like...
I use these in soup and stews, you can add chili powder, and parsley, Then they are called Parsley, Chili Fluffy Dumplings, and you can also make them...
These noodles are wonderful if you need a quick side dish. They use ingredients you may already have in your pantry making them a great last minute dinner...
I have made these garlic pickles for the last 8 years and friends love them. The original recipe was in "Company's Coming" but I have made a few changes...
My entire family loves pickled beets so last summer I prepared 4 different batches & ran a contest. The slight heat from the chilies made this recipe the...