Crunchy roasted cocoa nibs give this cake an unforgettable texture; pepper-flecked icing adds a slightly punchy finish. The recipe comes from chef Kierin...
Ripe passion fruit has a dark purple color and slightly dimpled appearance, and is heavy for its size. Showcase its spicy-sweet flavor with this dessert...
Apples caramelized in butter and an array of fall spices lend a unique character to this exceptionally moist cake, which lies hidden beneath a mantle of...
These shell-shaped, cakey cookies are a French treat traditionally served with tea. The buttery madeleines are spiced with ground cardamomand coated with...
Invented by Emma Rylander Lane in the late 19th century, this bourbon-spiked raisin, pecan, and coconut showstopper gets more flavorful with age. Martha...
Chocolate and mint is one of the most timeless flavor combinations-and it really shines in this bundt cake recipe. Cake flour is the key to keeping each...
This banana-and-passion-fruit creation takes you to the tropics by way of Italy, where the vine-ripened fruit is used in sodas and all kinds of desserts....
A delicate cake that has a double dose of tangy brightness, thanks to a zest-filled batter and a silky citrus glaze. The optional candied lemon-rind topping...
Talk about a slice of heaven! Chocolate wafers, cherry ice cream, and vanilla ice cream doctored with fresh cherries and berries are layered into a spectacular...
This luscious chocolate-hazelnut cake is coated with a ganache made from chocolate and cream. It's topped with a mountain of bittersweet chocolate curls,...
Our Neapolitan cake is soft as a down pillow, creamy like custard, and lightly flavored with vanilla and cinnamon. Serve wedges at room temperature with...
The tart sweetness of the raspberry curd filling balances this buttery-rich, French-style sponge cake. Martha made this recipe on Martha Bakes episode...
This decadent dessert is courtesy of chefs Matt and Ted Lee, from their book "Simple, Fresh, Southern: Knockout Dishes with Down-Home Flavor."Photo credit:...
This super easy Pineapple Sunshine Cake is loaded with fantastic pineapple flavor and topped with a delicious whipped cream frosting! It's the perfect...
Celebrate Passover with a chiffon cake so tender and airy, you'll be tempted to make it year-round (even if you don't observe the Jewish holiday). To keep...
You won't taste the pureed beets, but they make this cake extra-moist and fudgy, even with the addition of whole-grain spelt flour. They also play up the...
Bake these little cakes one to two days ahead, so their rich, chocolaty flavor has a chance to bloom. The ganache can be made one week ahead and stored...
Whipped cream folded into this no-bake beauty's lemony ricotta-and-cream-cheese filling gives it an airy texture and ethereal taste, all of which is sandwiched...
When assembling the cake, use a new doll and wrap it in plastic before putting it in the center of the cake. Candles should absolutely not be used, because...
Everyone will flip for this stunning dessert crowned with shingled plum slices. The addition of buttermilk to the batter keeps the cake underneath wonderfully...
A good tip for picking out perfectly ripe peaches is that the fruit should be very fragrant; if it doesn't smell like a peach, it won't taste like a peach.From...
Everyone needs an unintimidating, foolproof cake like this one. A generous amount of coconut topping, poured over the moist cake while it's still warm,...
Strawberry shortcake never tasted so good-or so nuanced. Heavy cream is steeped with basil then whipped, infusing it with its essence. Cover the cream...
Ground cardamom adds a soothing aroma and unique flavor to this classic crumb-cake recipe from reader Suzanne Shuey of Shippensburg, PA. If you don't like...
All you have to do to assemble this "layer cake" is whip some cream and slice some peaches, arrange them on pieces of store-bought pound cake, and then...
Five pastel layers form this colorful creation. You can also use the batter to make four dozen cupcakes or a two- or three-layer cake (bake each layer...
One slice in, and this tiered pound cake proves it's anything but vanilla. A rich chocolate base, lighter cocoa center, and buttery top make it far more...
The light and fluffy texture of sponge cake makes it malleable -- ideal for this classic dessert, which gets its name from its trademark shape. Martha...