All you need for this tasty dinner is a bag of onions, garlic, some dried pasta, and cheese. Caramelizing sliced onions in a little butter and olive oil...
This gratin is decidedly autumnal, inspired by a recipe from one of my favorite food writers, Richard Olney. Olney's chicken gratin calls for making a...
Stuffed-shells don't have to be a weekend project. This one-pan, stovetop-only version turns mushroom-and-spinach stuffed shells into an easy weeknight...
Letting the dough do its first rise in the fridge overnight means improved flavor and ease of handling, but if you don't feel like waiting that long, leave...
A crumbly slab of Cheddar is a centuries-old accompaniment to a slice of apple pie; it imparts character in a way that a scoop of ice cream can't hope...
Use a can of leftover cranberry sauce from Thanksgiving to make the jam swirl topping of this simple cake. It's perfect for breakfast or as an afternoon...
Gooey-bouncy on the inside and crispy-chewy on the outside, mochi cake is a texture we just can't get enough of. Made from glutinous sweet rice flour,...
Adding asparagus and frozen peas directly to the boiling pasta during the last couple minutes of cooking means everything for this seasonal, fresh dinner...
Make this cabbage-wrapped bacon and cheesy mashed potato pie, share a toast to St. Patrick's Day with your friends, and watch all of your late winter blues...
When I was growing up, my mother served a lot of canned vegetables, but the one thing she always made from scratch was acorn squash, which she roasted...
Sour cream isn't just a gimmick. Used in place of the more typical cream or buttermilk, it adds a rich, tangy flavor, and its acidity helps make the biscuits...
A popular Southern dessert said to originate in England, chess pie consists of staple ingredients: eggs, butter, and sugar, bound with cornmeal, flour,...
Hate pouring excess sourdough starter down the drain? Instead, use it in this biscuit recipe, where it takes the place of buttermilk, adding tang and just...
Ask for "dry" scallops at your fish market; they are free of preservatives and release very little liquid while cooking, which is key to getting a good...
This might look like a relative of coffee cake but don't be fooled. The layer of streusel in this marbled loaf cake gets a complex punch of flavor from...
When it comes to dessert, I am a chocoholic first and fruit-pie lover second; but after several test batches to perfect this cake, I am completely won...
Here's a sophisticated riff on classic pecan pie for chocolate lovers. This pie features a coating of bittersweet chocolate underneath the gooey, espresso-infused...