Baked ziti is classic Italian-American comfort food! Bake ziti pasta with sausage, tomato sauce, and all kinds of gooey, yummy cheeses. This easy baked...
Tuna salad is a classic go-to for quick lunches and snacks. This tuna salad recipe is made with canned tuna, mayo, celery, onion, and lemon, and can be...
Tuna patties are a classic frugal recipe to make when you're short on time but hungry for something delicious. Featuring canned tuna, mustard, and lemon,...
Favorite shepherd's pie recipe, a classic casserole of Britain and Ireland done American-style. Cook ground beef and savory vegetables, top with mashed...
This easy hamburger and macaroni recipe is tops for weeknights! Some call it goulash or American chop suey, but it's nothing more than ground beef cooked...
So easy! Penne pasta tossed with a simple tomato sauce with ground beef, onions, Italian seasoning, garlic, and basil. This penne pasta dish is a perfect,...
Here's a timeless roast beef recipe that can be made with rump roast, round roast, or sirloin roast. Slow-roasting on low heat works magic on tougher...
This classic, savory Southern cornbread is just begging for a bowl of chili or a plate of ribs. Made with all cornmeal, straight buttermilk, and no added...
Buttered noodles with real Parmesan cheese and parsley are an easy and delicious recipe using pantry staples you already have on hand. Great for quick...
Simple yet satisfying, chicken paprikash is a Hungarian recipe made with chicken browned in butter and cooked with onions and paprika, then finished with...
Colcannon Potatoes are an Irish mashed potato recipe with mixed with greens and scallions and LOTS of butter and cream. You can't go wrong with this...
Baked Chicken Marinara - chicken pieces coated with Parmesan and bread crumbs, fried and covered with a tomato basil marinara sauce, and topped with melted...
This veggie-packed lo mein is a filling, super fast, super easy noodle stir fry. It uses staple vegetables like cabbage and carrots, with bell peppers...
Homemade flour tortillas are easy to make in the comfort of your own kitchen. All it takes four simple ingredients (one is water) and about 1 hour - that...
Crunchy, crispy baked chicken is a hit with all ages. You don't have to spend hours making this dish. With this flavorful recipe, you'll have oven-baked...
You'll fall for our vegan mushroom barley soup! Soy sauce, balsamic, a mix of dried and fresh mushrooms, and spinach lend a modern take to this classic...
Whip up this 20 minute EASY chicken scampi with angel hair pasta for dinner. This recipe uses simple ingredients you're likely to have on hand, perfect...
Sink your teeth into this arroz con pollo recipe. In this classic dish of Latin America and Spain, seasoned rice is married with juicy chicken for a filling...
Deviled egg salad is an easy way to reinvent the classic appetizer. It's transportable, shareable, and made for potlucks. Don't forget the sprinkle of...
Danish frikadeller pork burgers recipe. Ground pork mixed with eggs, crumbled saltine crakers and onions, shaped into patties and fried. Serve with Dijon...
Lunch just got easier. Pop open a can of chickpeas and make this vegetarian take on a chicken salad sandwich. It uses pantry staples and is loaded with...
These LOADED baked potatoes turn a standard side dish into a full-on entrée. Packed with steamed broccoli, bacon, cheddar, sour cream, and chives, they...
Easy Black Beans and Rice is a delicious and simple recipe. Featuring bell peppers, onion, garlic, spices, and a splash of Tabasco, this dish is full of...
Aioli is easy to make at home and serves as a garlicky, flavor-boosting accompaniment to vegetables, fish, BLTs, or fries. This mayo-like sauce is the...
This easy chicken piccata recipe is ready in under 30 minutes! Chicken breast cutlets are dredged in flour, browned, and served with a sauce of butter,...
A dish of many names - pasta e fagioli, pasta fagioli, or pasta fazool - this classic Italian soup of beans and short pasta with tomatoes and vegetables...
Ring in the new year with a bowl of Hoppin' John! Made with black-eyed peas and rice, this Southern recipe is thought to bring great fortune without spending...
EASIEST way ever to poach eggs-all you need is a mug and a microwave! Ready in about a minute. Use this poached egg method to top a quick lunch salad,...
Citrus Pork with Egg Noodles is quick and easy, perfect for a midweek dinner! With strips of pork loin sautéed with cumin and garlic, served in a citrusy...
Classic Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy! It's ready in under an hour and cooks all in one skillet. Just like mom used to make. Serve with buttered...
Easy weeknight mushroom risotto that's special enough for occasions, too! The Instant Pot makes it fast, and fail-safe. Plus we have a hack that lets you...
This easy recipe for Tex-Mex cheese enchiladas is a family favorite! Just lightly fry corn tortillas, roll them up with Jack or cheddar cheese, cover with...
Vegetarian bolognese is a rich, luscious won't-miss-the-meat pasta sauce. Roasting cauliflower and mushrooms deepens the flavor of this satisfying dinner....