This yummy bruschetta recipe is for anyone who likes feta cheese and tomatoes, and is great for dinner parties. Assemble while the ingredients are still...
Shallots are the special ingredient in this easy, filling bruschetta. The tomato mixture tastes best when prepared ahead of time and chilled for approximately...
Shallots are the special ingredient in this easy, filling bruschetta. The tomato mixture tastes best when prepared ahead of time and chilled for approximately...
Shallots are the special ingredient in this easy, filling bruschetta. The tomato mixture tastes best when prepared ahead of time and chilled for approximately...
This is a fun take on bruschetta with peas, shallots, and mint that I invented one year when my neighbor brought me a bunch of fresh peas. I have also...
Shallots are the special ingredient in this easy, filling bruschetta. The tomato mixture tastes best when prepared ahead of time and chilled for approximately...
A slice of toast with a schmear of Burrata is already a beautiful thing, but when you add a nice pinch of Herbes de Provence salt, then a slice of peach...
A slice of toast with a schmear of Burrata is already a beautiful thing, but when you add a nice pinch of Herbes de Provence salt, then a slice of peach...
Perfect for a summer afternoon BBQ. Sliced jarred mango in the produce section works fine in this recipe as fresh mango can sometimes be hard to find and...
My own recipe, a summertime tradition with all home-grown ingredients. No onions, but uses a couple of herbs not found in a traditional bruschetta. Dicing...
Unusual but elegant appetizer. Eggplant, tomatoes, and mint with goat cheese sprinkled on top. Makes an excellent addition to Italian or Middle Eastern...
Unusual but elegant appetizer. Eggplant, tomatoes, and mint with goat cheese sprinkled on top. Makes an excellent addition to Italian or Middle Eastern...
My own recipe, a summertime tradition with all home-grown ingredients. No onions, but uses a couple of herbs not found in a traditional bruschetta. Dicing...
Bruschetta is an antipasto from Italy consisting of grilled bread rubbed with garlic and topped with tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper. I have many...
This yummy bruschetta recipe is for anyone who likes feta cheese and tomatoes, and is great for dinner parties. Assemble while the ingredients are still...
This yummy bruschetta recipe is for anyone who likes feta cheese and tomatoes, and is great for dinner parties. Assemble while the ingredients are still...
This yummy bruschetta recipe is for anyone who likes feta cheese and tomatoes, and is great for dinner parties. Assemble while the ingredients are still...
This easy to make cheesy tomato bruschetta is a hit at parties. Just use fresh basil, tomatoes, garlic, and olive oil plus some mozzarella cheese on top...
There are two keys to this recipe. First, add enough oil and vinegar to your tomatoes to make a good amount of 'sauce' with which to douse the grilled...
This is your typical tomato bruschetta's cousin! A friend of mine created this masterpiece and it has been a hit with every dinner party. We often have...
This is your typical tomato bruschetta's cousin! A friend of mine created this masterpiece and it has been a hit with every dinner party. We often have...
This recipe is the definition of versatility - if the weather's mild, use the grill outside to prepare this appetizer. In colder months, use your oven...
This recipe is the definition of versatility - if the weather's mild, use the grill outside to prepare this appetizer. In colder months, use your oven...
Slices of baguette (or bread roll) topped with refried beans, melted cheese, and salsa. Prepare them for your next meeting or when you have unexpected...
This recipe is the definition of versatility - if the weather's mild, use the grill outside to prepare this appetizer. In colder months, use your oven...
There are two keys to this recipe. First, add enough oil and vinegar to your tomatoes to make a good amount of 'sauce' with which to douse the grilled...