This cheese Blintzes recipe is easy to make and so delicious! It is a thin crepe-like pancake filled with a creamy cheese filling, pan fried, and topped...
Turning croissants and marmalade into a classic overnight casserole makes a wonderful treat for family and guests around the breakfast table. - Joan Hallford,...
Recipe works well with either pink or red salmon fillets. Recipe developed by myself while experimenting with combinations of liquid flavours and herbs....
Saw this on Everyday Italian and went out and got the ingredients right away because i saw it and was craving it. My boyfriend loves this too, he ate almost...
To keep my family going all morning, I start with lean ground beef and spices, then sneak some spinach into this protein-packed dish. -Jennifer Fisher,...
Buttermilk Banana Bread - This is the best banana bread recipe ever! This is an easy recipe and the bread is so moist and delicious. I absolutely love...
For a light lunch or brunch that costs just 76 cents per serving, fix this quiche-like dish made with crescent roll dough. "This zucchini pie is delicious,...
There's nothing like a bowl of warm oatmeal in the morning, and my spiced version works in a slow cooker. Store leftovers in the fridge. -Jordan Mason,...
I make these fluffy scrambled eggs when family comes for breakfast or when I just want to do something extra special for myself in the morning. My favorite...
Learn how to make the perfect thin pancakes. Easy to do tips and tricks to get delicious and lacy pancakes. Bring a sense of nostalgia to your breakfast...
My bread machine is such a time-saver, particularly where this savory entree is concerned. Stuffed with pork sausage and cheese, it's a favorite with my...
"One of my mother's many recipes designed to take advantage of bountiful zucchini, this pie is inexpensive, nutritious, tasty, filling-and so easy," says...
I've cut this recipe to 2 eggs and 1/2 cup milk for my husband and me, and it works just fine. It's yummy with strawberry or blueberry topping. You could...
The ingredients may sound unusual, but this breakfast bake is delicious! Sausage, sweet peaches and pancake mix come together for a complete meal in one....
This recipe was created one summer Sunday morning when I was looking for a healthier alternative to butter and maple syrup to top my waffles. I was amazed...
Egg substitute can be used to replace whole eggs in many recipes with good results, especially in frittatas, omelets and quiches. This eggs substitute...
What do you do when one child wants cereal and the other wants French toast? You combine them for a crunchy new breakfast treat, of course! -Anndrea Bailey,...
A baked omelet is a deliciously different way to serve eggs. The eggs bake in the oven, so you don't have to keep a constant eye on them like omelets made...
Would you like breakfast ready for you when the sun comes up? If so, try my hot cereal. It's so simple-just place the ingredients in the slow cooker and...
"I used to make this with turkey or chicken sausage, but adapted it for a vegetarian friend, and it was a huge hit. I serve it with fresh breads or bagels...
I remember eating this soup every Christmas while growing up. I considered it a real treat. My mother, who was born in Sweden, made this soup during holidays,...
This savory, scrumptious hash brown breakfast casserole uses an egg substitute for lower fat and cholesterol. Serve with fresh fruit for a morning meal...
I came across this hearty breakfast when we were on vacation in Tennessee, and I adapted the recipe to our tastes. Now it's one of our most favorite breakfasts-especially...
Mixing toasted coconut into your coffee grounds before brewing creates a pleasant coconut flavor without any added syrups. If you're in the habit of buying...
This easy to make Spinach and Asparagus Frittata is light and fluffy and only takes 30 minutes to make! Packed with spring vegetables this healthy meal...
After tasting a scrumptious grilled apple and cheese sandwich, I decided to try the same flavors with pancakes. The idea of adding bacon came from my bacon-fanatic...
My husband and I don't have any family nearby, so we often invite friends over for special weekend brunches. Of all the dishes I serve, guests seem to...