Honey chicken kabobs with veggies. You can marinate overnight and make these kabobs for an outdoor barbecue as a tasty alternative to the usual barbecue...
I was surprised not to find a recipe on Allrecipes for a Philly-style Chicken Cheese Steak so I decided to create and publish one. Depending on who you...
This is a simple but delicious way to prepare chicken. Good-quality olive oil and generous amounts of salt and pepper make for a savory chicken breast...
I serve this flavorful jalapeno and citrus-infused chicken with yellow rice. When seeding the jalapenos, leave in as many seeds as you want - the more...
Marinated chicken breasts broiled with bacon and cheese, then served with sauteed mushrooms and honey mustard dressing. Fantastic way to broil chicken...
Elegant, delicious and simple to prepare. The fontina cheese is creamy, rich, and nutty. Fresh sage leaves, browned in butter, give this dish a unique...
Chicken breasts marinated in white wine and herbs, then grilled and served with steamed asparagus and hollandaise sauce. Had it once in a restaurant, tried...
This is a fairly low-fat cream sauce. Roasting the garlic makes it sweet and slightly nutty - don't be afraid to use the whole head! Serve with hot cooked...
BBQ sauce and bacon are the secrets to the wonderful flavor of the chicken in this sandwich. Add avocado and cheese, and how can you go wrong? Makes a...
This sandwich is a spicy sandwich rendition of Buffalo wings, taking flight right into your lunches as yummy sandwiches! Use any of your favorite sandwich...
A great dinner for two! Chicken breasts marinated in oil, vinegar and Ranch-style dressing, then broiled to a beguiling finish. This is a wonderful chicken...
Precooked packaged chicken is expensive and full of additives. Fill your freezer with this all-natural and inexpensive alternative. To use: remove frozen...
I was surprised not to find a recipe on Allrecipes for a Philly-style Chicken Cheese Steak so I decided to create and publish one. Depending on who you...
Chicken breasts marinated in white wine and herbs, then grilled and served with steamed asparagus and hollandaise sauce. Had it once in a restaurant, tried...
Honey chicken kabobs with veggies. You can marinate overnight and make these kabobs for an outdoor barbecue as a tasty alternative to the usual barbecue...
BBQ sauce and bacon are the secrets to the wonderful flavor of the chicken in this sandwich. Add avocado and cheese, and how can you go wrong? Makes a...
Marinated chicken breasts broiled with bacon and cheese, then served with sauteed mushrooms and honey mustard dressing. Fantastic way to broil chicken...