Roasting the veggies in this rich yet bright quiche intensifies their flavors. And the addition of fresh goat cheese lends a wonderful creamy tanginess....
A delicious and simple breakfast recipe using a crockpot. Prepare it at night and it's ready in the morning. Also delicious used as the filling for breakfast...
This is one of the best pancake recipes I have tried. It's by Daphne Oz. Not only are the pancakes delicious, they are pretty healthy, too! Note: If you...
Hearty home-style food is popular in our small farming and timber community. We love pulling in flavors from other regions for this eggy dish. -Patricia...
Waffles are definitely a weekend breakfast treat - this recipe comes from Christine Cushing. Adding the softly whipped egg whites to the batter will make...
On cold winter mornings in Wisconsin, Mom warmed us up by serving this deliciously sweet cereal. Winters are mild here in North Carolina, but this oatmeal...
This cozy recipe is delicious for breakfast or brunch. I usually make a double batch because everyone wants more! With our own orchard, we have plenty...
"This special oatmeal gets me going in the morning and makes me feel great all day," reports Linda Hocking of Mackay, Idaho. "My husband and son race mountain...
This is Ore-Ida's amazing recipe found on their website. One of my best friend's mothers always brought this to tailgate parties. It was perfect for those...
Some like their scrambled eggs moist and some like them rather dry. The longer they cook, the drier they become. Either way, use low heat so the texture...
These are really good. Using fresh blueberries is best. Credit for this recipe goes to Paula Hadley, Forest Hill, LA, as printed in Taste of Home's Family...
These better-than-the-bakery blueberry scones are bursting with juicy blueberries. They're buttery and moist with crisp crumbly edges and soft flaky centers....
I make these lemony muffins for all kinds of occasions. My family always requests them when we have a brunch. They're so good! -Lola Baxter, Winnebago,...
Growing up, we ate this gravy over slices of white bread, sliced ripe tomatoes, scrambled eggs and, of course, biscuits. Sometimes I use maple sausage,...
This is a nice simple recipe for aebleskivers. Nothing to wait for overnight. Just mix up whenever you like. You can choose to add jam for a filling or...
Poached eggs can be intimidating, but with this easy method you are guaranteed perfect poached eggs every time, whether you like the yolks soft and runny...
I haven't tried this personally, but will real soon as I love blueberries. A friend gave me this recipe after having it at a brunch party; she was just...
A kolacky is a small dinner roll-like pastry which is folded, enclosing filling in the center. The most common fillings include prune, poppyseed, apricot,...
If you've ever made eggs Florentine for a crowd-toasting the muffins, buttering the muffins, poaching the eggs, wilting the spinach, making the Hollandaise,...
This green chile egg casserole is a favorite for brunch or morning pot lucks! It has a great mexican flavors without being spicy, so it is friendly for...
Meet the Cook: Potatoes are something I can eat anytime of day and almost any way. This recipe's one I came up with to go along with pigs in blankets several...
The key to fluffy pancakes is not to overmix the batter; it should not be beaten smooth. If serving these pancakes with bacon, reserve half a teaspoon...
This is a great brunch casserole, plan ahead as this casserole needs to sit in fridge for 2-3 hours before baking or just prepare a day ahead and bake...
Maple syrup, sage, thyme and a little liquid smoke give a delightful flavor to these homemade sausage patties. They're always a treat, but especially alongside...
Adapted from a recipe in Faith Durand's "Not Your Mother's Casseroles." You need 1 lb of peeled potatoes, so you should start with about 1 1/4 lb. You...
You may use beef or pork or a combination of both. You may use splenda instead of brown sugar or maple syrup. You will have to use a little more splenda.If...
Baked Ham and Cheese Croissant Sandwiches come together in 5 minutes and are perfect for breakfast, brunch, or even dinner! With only 5 ingredients, they...