I am not a fan of kidney beans, but I love chili and bacon. I tried switching out the beans with the bacon using my mom's chili recipe, and it was an instant...
This beef chili recipe brings forward the flavors of cinnamon and chocolate often found in Mole Poblano style sauces. It really creates some depth and...
I love this chili. I hope you love it as much as me. I got it from my mom, who got it from dad, who got it from our friend Steve Y. For bean lovers, add...
This is a very good hot chili recipe of my own. Chili lovers should enjoy this very much. Sprinkle with Colby Jack cheese, which melts well and doesn't...
Whipped this up from scratch with ingredients around my home at 2am. Was deemed a mad scientist by my girlfriend who saw me meticulously working away in...
After trying several clone recipes and adjusting them to my tastes, I've concocted what I think is the best clone. Serve topped with finely diced white...
This chickpea chili is a basic chili for cooks who are limited on time and cooking experience. I have made this recipe as simple as possible and it can...
This is a no-fail recipe for chili that is made all in the same pot! Great to freeze and have for later on as well! I make this in a large amount and separate...
From the beautiful union of three meats and three chiles comes a chili that will never let you down - thank the heavens and feel the heat! This is best...
Don't be afraid to try this chili, the ingredients create a tasty chili sensation! For a different taste, try substituting the 6 ounces of cola with 6...
Great recipe. It makes a lot but my family likes it so much there is never any left over. It's great on a cold night. It is my brother's recipe; he ran...
I love making chili in the fall and snuggling up under a blanket on the couch with loved ones while we eat chili, corn bread, and watch the beloved Broncos!...
Golden brown, slightly sweet cornbread waffles perfectly complement the rich, smoky flavor of beef brisket chili. Serve chili on top of cornbread waffles;...
I call this my accident chili because I tried to find a great chili recipe and couldn't, so I just started adding things and by accident it was great....
This is the easiest chili recipe, and it is delicious and sure to please everyone. Using home canned tomatoes gives the best flavor, but is not necessary....
If you want a good, basic chili recipe, this is it. No odd vegetables, or secret ingredients, just ground beef, tomatoes, red kidney beans, and the usual...
This spicy and satisfying chili is made in the slow cooker. Start it before you head off to work, and return to a homemade meal ready to eat! I like to...
This is a basic recipe for non-traditional chili using steak. My wife is allergic to chili powder, so I don't use any in this recipe, but you are welcome...
This chili was made for school chili suppers back in the 1950's. I remember in the third and fourth grades, the teachers would have each student draw on...
In about 30 minutes, you can create a wonderful beef chili that your family will love. My grandpa says it's even better than his chili recipe! Serve with...
Not for the faint of heart. This hearty chili strives to excite all the taste buds. Each bite is at first sweet, and then 'blossoms' into a slow burn that...
I wanted to make a delicious Crockpot® chili that didn't take an hour to prepare. This one, you just open cans and dump them in! You can let this cook...
Contrary to the title, it doesn't have men in it. However it is a man's best friend, it's thick, not as tomato-ey as most chili's. Best served with fresh...
Adapted from an old recipe my mother used for family gatherings. Because you make it in a Crock Pot® it is easy to transport to a party. It's flavorful...
I always get rave reviews about this recipe when I serve it to friends and family. I know everyone always says their chili is "the best", but this one...
This is a very good chili made with pineapple for sweetness. Since this is a large recipe, you might want to go half-batch if this is just for a small...
Delicious, filling, convenient, and economical - what's not to love? I got this recipe from my good friend Harriet who got it from her daughter-in-law...