Author: Dorie Greenspan
Author: Alison Attenborough
Author: Karen Vanersloot-Richards
This recipe is South Beach and Atkins Diet friendly. We have been eating high protein, low fat, low carb for quite some time and missed some of our favorite...
Author: April Davis
Author: Melissa Roberts
Author: Thomas Keller
Author: Matt Lee
Author: Jerry Traunfeld
Author: Gina Schild
Author: Michael Lomonaco
I adapted a potato muffin recipe to create these savory muffins that helped use up my overflowing stock of vegetables from my garden! You could add any...
Author: Kennedy Miller Schultz
This recipe was shared with me by a dear friend many years ago. It has been a favorite ever since. As I've tweaked it to my own taste, you may find it...
Author: five_blessed
This savory pie is baked in a flaky phyllo pastry shell.
Party pleasing angels on horseback-oysters wrapped in partially cooked bacon then grilled or broiled and spritzed with lime or lemon-date back to Victorian...
Author: Hank Shaw
Cook up quick and easy bacon just before gathering at the table. Maple syrup and butter add a thick and delicious glaze to the meat.
Author: Land O'Lakes
Author: Gilbert Garza
Ralph Lauren's signature burger. At his Chicago restaurant, they use a mix of chuck, brisket, and short rib. If you have an awesome butcher, ask him or...
Author: Carla Lalli Music
Author: Kemp Minifie
Author: Rozanne Gold
I've always wanted to try making some kind of sweet/savory bacon-studded fritter using pate a choux, also known as that stuff you make cream puffs with....
Author: Chef John
Author: Anne Willan
This burger has all the components of a BLT-they're just not configured in the usual way. Crumbled bacon and intense sun-dried tomatoes are mixed into...
Author: Bon Appétit Test Kitchen
Author: Joanne Chang
Shortly after I was given this recipe, I started keeping a list of whom I'd made it for-because I loved it so much, I was sure that if I didn't keep track,...
Author: Dorie Greenspan
A perfect and wholly unique pasta blend of eggs, bacon, pasta and Italian seasonings. Great for Father's Day! Pasta Papa was created by Hugo's Restaurant...
Author: richlor
Author: Ian Knauer
Author: Jimmie Janesearing