This is a quick, easy way to saute asparagus. The dish has a light flavor and makes a great accompaniment to Italian meals. I make this year-round, but...
This is a great side dish that goes well with beef entrees. It combines sour cream, horseradish and garlic salt in a creamy sauce. My friend Libby makes...
These Korean bibimbap-inspired grain bowls are brimming with bright vegetables and spicy, flavorful steak. Pear juice, a traditional ingredient in Korean...
This is great at a picnic when you have tired of all the same old salads. Very versatile, you can serve it cold or room temperature. You can certainly...
Tender asparagus spears are rolled in prosciutto and cheese, and topped with a crunchy breadcrumb and grated cheese crust. I recommend using pencil-thin...
This is a great spring salad with two long, lovely green vegetables that have a real affinity for each other. You can serve this as an antipasto or a first...
A divine side dish for almost any main dish. Asparagus sauteed in garlic butter, then finished off with a red wine and raisin sauce. Quick and easy (Isn't...
A creamy, cheesy, tangy asparagus side dish that comes together quickly with the help of your multi-functional pressure cooker. This would go great with...
This corkscrew pasta turns sophisticated with a creamy no-cook sauce. It's a dream to make: Just whisk together goat cheese, pasta water, and butter, and...