An easy spring side dish that doesn't mask the asparagus's unique flavor, and is done in just 3 easy steps. Top with feta cheese for extra tang, or use...
This cold asparagus dish is tender, tasty and easy to create. The zesty lemon and the salty prosciutto work perfectly together to add wonderful flavor...
Pan-fried asparagus with a little lemon and mint. Yum! Serve as a side dish or toss with pasta with some extra lemon juice, olive oil, and mint for an...
This easy side dish has loads of Parmesan flavor, yet it tastes light enough to not overpower the asparagus. The sauce comes together in minutes while...
Tender asparagus spears are rolled in prosciutto and cheese, and topped with a crunchy breadcrumb and grated cheese crust. I recommend using pencil-thin...
Fast mix of frozen asparagus tips with water chestnuts and sweet red onions, sauteed in a light mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Simple, yet...