Fancy toast. That's what this recipe is all about. Between the zesty garlic-rubbed bread, creamy ricotta, sweet honey-roasted tomatoes and smoky grilled...
This simple, bright, and fresh shrimp recipe is ready in under 30 minutes, making it an easy dinner for anyone on the go or the perfect appetizer to take...
This recipe for homemade Mexican-style salsa is hands down the best salsa you'll ever eat. Tomatoes and peppers are perfectly charred on the stovetop...
Simple and delicious Greek eggplant dip with smoky eggplant, garlic, parsley, lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. The perfect appetizer with a bit...
Patatas bravas are one of the most beloved Spanish tapas, thanks to their simple combination of fried potatoes and flavorful sauce. Make them at home with...
A super easy, super fresh, super delicious salsa. You'll never need another salsa recipe again! This has been my go-to recipe for years, it's definitely...