Stuffed Baby Eggplant with a vegetarian breadcrumb filling can be enjoyed as a side dish, main dish or they are small enough to be served as an antipasto...
A No Knead Bread that is fast, easy and delicious. No 18 hour rising time, just 2 hours and baked to perfection. Fresh Homemade Bread just in time for...
This popular Sicilian street food is a family favourite. A crispy breaded coating, cheesy rice with a savoury meat sauce and peas filling, what's not to...
Fried Pizza Dough (pizza fritta) consists of fried pieces of pizza dough that puff up and are chewy on the outside and crisp on the outside. Mix a batch...
These easy Baked Stuffed Potato Pockets, make the perfect appetizer for any occasion. A tasty potato pastry is filled with ham or prosciutto and your favourite...
These stuffed sweet mini peppers with bread crumbs are the perfect vegetarian, bite sized appetizer or side dish. A savory bread crumb cheesy filling contrasting...
This Easy Black Olive Tapenade is ready in 5 minutes, just 4 ingredients to make the perfect appetizer spread. Perfect with your favourite crackers or...
This delicious Cheesy Sausage Bruschetta is the perfect accompaniment to any grilling or bbq meal. Lightly grilled bread topped with a mixture of sausage,...
A friend brought these simple yet delicious and refreshing appetizers to a party recently and I've been making them ever since! They are especially good...
This easy and refreshing starter featuring cantaloupe and cured ham (Parma ham for instance) can also be served as an appetizer: just cut the cantaloupe...
Homemade Sweet and Spicy Carrot Hummus Recipe with sweet and spicy taste that comes from Orange Marmalade and Siracha Sauce. Carrot and Siracha Hummus...
This Turkish meze is perfect for making ahead of time when you expect guests. The eggplant may also be pan fried, but it requires less oil and tastes better...
Thin slices of eggplant are lightly fried, then marinated in a mixture of fresh herbs, garlic, olive oil, and white wine vinegar 8 hours or overnight....
This Turkish meze is perfect for making ahead of time when you expect guests. The eggplant may also be pan fried, but it requires less oil and tastes better...
Pronounced 'bun-yet,' this is an old world Italian recipe from my Nonie's kitchen. It is made using mainly parsley and garlic and is meant to be eaten...
These vibrantly coloured Piedmontese Roasted Peppers are utterly delicious and easily prepared. They are simple yet stunning, their flavours enhanced by...
There are many people, myself included, that think cooking prosciutto is basically a crime against nature; but there are exceptions, and this plate of...
There are many people, myself included, that think cooking prosciutto is basically a crime against nature; but there are exceptions, and this plate of...
Juicy peaches snuggle into creamy Burrata cheese, with a sweet/tart balsamic reduction drizzled over the top. Bright fresh basil and flakes of crunchy...
Delicious and unique vegetarian meal, could be vegan if cheese is omitted. Serve with a thick crust French or Italian bread and salad. Leftovers are amazing...
This would make for a creative, and visually arresting start to a Valentine's Day dinner menu. Most carpaccios are pounded very, very thin, but if you're...
Fresh sardines are fried to a crispy golden brown, and drizzled with a garlic and white wine vinaigrette then topped off with a sprinkling of fresh mint...
This recipe makes a huge amount. I can it and give it away as Christmas gifts. We usually make this as a group project to cut down on prep time and cost....
This Turkish meze is perfect for making ahead of time when you expect guests. The eggplant may also be pan fried, but it requires less oil and tastes better...
A simple but elegant prawn starter with ripe avocado and a homemade mustard dip. Cook the prawns well in advance to get a head start; it's also best served...