These chocolate chip cookies are made with almond flour and are therefore gluten free. However, they taste so good, I would put them up against any cookie...
This is the perfect cookie for those of us who love cookies but are trying to be healthier. This recipe is dairy-free, sugar-free, and fat-free! I was...
These bars taste wonderful and are very colorful on your plate of goodies for the holidays. Try them and your guests will rave over them. Don't be surprised...
A moist and light orange flavored gluten-free cake that can be served alone with light yogurt for afternoon tea, or add the orange sauce for a decadent...
Delicious cheesecake cookie bars with a hint of almond flavoring, swirled with simple homemade cranberry sauce and topped with sliced almonds. Easy to...
Delicious cookies that have the same basic flavor as peanut butter cookies, but can be eaten by people with peanut and milk allergies! I love to make these...
Wanted to come up with a new cookie using sugar substitutes that were fun and flavorful. Starting with a basic oatmeal cookie recipe, I decided to add...
I discovered this little treat by accident while covering pretzels. I got frustrated with that tedious process, but didn't want to waste the almond bark,...
Macaroons are a Passover favorite for many who have a sweet tooth. For this new harvest season celebration, I have come up with a new recipe. If you love...
A delectable almond raspberry cake with an unusual frosting. Raspberry fruit spread is slowly beaten into whipped cream. For an elegant look, try garnishing...
I came up with this recipe after trying to find a similar one online. Since I couldn't find what I was looking for, I made it up myself! The results were...
I came up with this recipe when I had a sweet tooth that needed tending to, and I wanted to make it a little healthier than your average cookie. So I replaced...
I love the way vanilla beans add so much flavor and this is the case with this vegan pudding. The little black seeds scraped from a vanilla bean add not...
I like to think this is a more sophisticated version of Rocky Road ice cream. The caramelized almonds are really delicious and would make a good topping...
This is a New Year's Eve tradition for my husband and I. It's an absolutely delicious new twist to the traditional peanut butter cookies, though they look...
This is a slightly sweet cookie with a texture that reminds me of a pecan sandy. It is a perfect dessert for those on a low-carb or keto diet. For best...