Swap your usual pumpkin pie for our no-bake, make-ahead cheesecake. It's perfect for Halloween or Bonfire Night, or as an autumn dessert for the dinner...
Make our multifunctional ginger and honey loaf cake. Enjoy with yogurt and stewed fruit for a festive brunch, or try as a teatime treat slathered with...
Impress friends with this colourful rose & pistachio battenberg-style cake. It not only tastes delicious, but looks wonderful as part of an afternoon tea...
Rick Stein's Clementine, Almond and Olive Oil Cake, as seen on his BBC series, The Road to Mexico, is a perfectly moist cake and an ode to Californian...
Make these rich and fudgy blondies for an afternoon treat. White chocolate is the key to a gooey texture, alongside two types of soft sugar and vanilla...
Layer biscuits with strawberries and cream and they'll soften to create an indulgent no-bake dessert. Super easy and delicious, it's a fabulous summer...
Both the sponge and buttercream are flavoured with salted caramel in this epic cake recipe, topped with nuggets of fudge and lashings of salted caramel...
It's easy to make an authentic Cherry Bakewell with this foolproof recipe from James Morton. Sweet cherry combines with rich almond in this unforgettably...
These pretty cupcakes are perfect for a special occasion. The flavoured syrup help the cakes stay moist, so you can make them a day ahead and decorate...
Celebrate Easter with our creamy choc cheesecake - it has a rich base studded with cookie dough, and it's all topped with silky ganache. Decorate with...
An alternative to truffles, these chocolatey bitesize treats contain Maltesers, coconut, marshmallow, cranberries and rich tea biscuits - perfect for making...
Impress your guests with an easy, delicious baked lemon tart. The magical sherbet flavour of lemon verbena leaves will take this classic dessert to new...
Impress friends with this colourful rose & pistachio battenberg-style cake. It not only tastes delicious, but looks wonderful as part of an afternoon tea...