I looked all over and this was the best recipe I could find. I got it from hungrybrowser.com. the prep time is just guess work since i haven't made this...
This is out of my "Company's coming, most loved appetizers" cookbook...This classic appetizer is a true favorite...make several days ahead. Double to make...
This is a really rich and great tasting soup that does not contain cream. If you want to add a cup of cream to it to up the decadence factor, you can....
You'll be tempted to eat this tender, flavorful chicken right from the pot, but it's best served on a bed of Recipe#414811 CREDIT: Christine Benlafquih...
I modified this recipe and didn't use any non-stick cooking spray or the no-boil noodles. I used some home canned tomato basil marina and threw in some...
This is a recipe from a 1987 issue of Better Homes & Gardens, from a Tyson chicken ad. It's meant to be stuffing for cornish game hens but because I don't...
Succulent ground turkey croquettes, spiced just right, and served up with a creamy mushroom sauce. This is real comfort food and I know you'll enjoy it!...
One of my most treasured gadgets is a clay Romertopf cooker. It makes the most delicious and moist roasted chicken or turkey I have ever tasted. You have...
Oven roast potatoes, butternut squash, red onions and peppers with garlic, olive oil and fresh rosemary for a side dish that smells and tastes absolutely...
A friend served this for Christmas dinner with a huge beef roast--I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. This rich bread pudding is the ultimate comfort...
This classic Coq au Vin is full of many great flavors! It's definitely a wonderful French recipe to serve for any special occasion or for the Holidays!...
Mayocoba Beans are also known as "Mexican Yellow Beans" and have a mild creamy texture. The soup is made with Ham Stock, Black Forest Ham and Fresh Serrano...
I found this recipe for pizza crust made from cheese on low carb friends. I have not made this yet, but it sure sparked my interest! Please if you do make...
This is a deli-quality egg salad and one I have made many times in the past to serve a luncheons and buffets and always receive rave reviews! --- for a...
This recipe came from my friend Julie. She made many of these for me while I was pregnant with my second child. They are very addicting! Cooking time is...
I found this in Best Recipes cook book. This is so easy and delicious! I like to make brown rice and a steamed vegitable with this. I love the butter sauce...
Delicious colorful light salad. I have also served with chicken tenders. Strawberries are my favorite especially when in season, but you can use any fruit...
This is my favorite vegetable beef soup recipe. It can be thickened to a stew and stores well. Its even better the second day. I leave out the extra salt...
Feel free to vary the veggies, depending on what you have in the fridge. Can't remember where I got this; it's delicious in the Fall or for a side for...
This cake is wonderful with a cup of coffee! Or a big glass of milk. I remember my Mom eating this cake for breakfast when I was little....she still eats...
I have made this a couple of times with leftover turkey and everyone seems to love it. I add the cashews right before serving. It makes about 8 cups, so...
When I was growing up there was a chain of Swedish Smorgasbord restaurants in the area which I lived. It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I met the...
This is an old recipe that my grandma got off of a VB apple sauce can. She always iced it with plain boiled icing. If you can't find pastry flour, you...
this is a cheap version of a restaurant dish from some place called Great Bay. The original dish calls for english peas and morel mushrooms but hey you...
Mackerel is one of the easiest fish for us to catch here in Maine so I am always on the lookout for a new recipe. This is one I want to try soon. The recipe...
This is a staple at Todd English's Olives restaurants:) His much-lauded house-made flatbread topped with sticky-sweet fig jam, punget Gorgonzola cheese...
This is an ABSOLUTE MUST in our family...We can't have Christmas or Thanksgiving without this! The taste is truly awesome, and at every family gathering...
Cheese is a wonderful and versatile party food. This cheese ball is loosely based on a recipe my mother always made to take to Christmas parties. It's...
This is a classic Italian tomato soup that uses ciabatta bread to thicken it. Unlike other recipes posted here, this soup is made with red wine & fennel,...
Saw this on the Weber Grill site and decided to try it. Some prep work involved but very good. Pretty filling by itself but we served this with cheese...
Roasting a turkey is really, really easy. Before we get started, here are a few pointers. Other cooks may disagree - if so, please join the turkey conversation...
if you like mexican food you'll love this dish! i learned how to make enchilladas this way from my mom who learned from my grandma. i usually make a whole...
This are delightflul little nuggets with layers of flavor. I slightly adapted a Martha Stewart recipe - like all MS recipe's they tend to be a bit fussy,...