The perfect meal! Preparation Time: 20 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy of the American Diabetes...
Break out your soup pot and fix up a batch of this delicious, spicy vegetarian chili today! It's ready in no time, and packed with vegetables, beans -...
What could be nicer than warm classic but basic muffins in a napkin on the morning breakfast table? And they are so quick and easy to make, particularly...
This chili is SO easy to make. You can pretty much throw whatever you have into the pot and it'll be great. (I added some leftover salsa once.) It's very...
Vegetarian Black Bean Chili Recipe. Because I'm busy, I like dinnertime to be organized. My secret is keeping the pantry well stocked with basics like...
A rich, buttery sauce for pasta with herbs and garlic. Great with grated Parmesan or Romano cheese. Try serving it over your favorite pasta. Easy to double...
By mixing butter, shallots, fresh herbs, and lemon juice together right in the serving bowl, you get an instant dressing on contact with hot haricots verts...
This is a simple one dish meal that's been in my family for years - corn chips, vegetables, beans and cheese all piled up to make a delicious haystack!...
This easy basic recipe for rice salad comes from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything Vegetarian. Turning it into an side dish for Japanese, Mexican,...
This breakfast treat rises like Yorkshire pudding and has the texture of a classic baked pancake. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the pancake after it's baked,...
I turn to polenta when I am in need of some good, old-fashioned comfort food. I suspect it's because there is not much difference between polenta and the...
This is a delicious kabli pulao made in a pressure cooker. The rice gets infused with flavor and has the perfect texture. This is a must-try! You can also...
The Epicurious test kitchen baked up the most popular versions of banana bread on our site to discover what we like (or didn't like) about each one. Then...
This is an excellent slow cooker recipe... Mix ingredients and let cook. Delicious! Spiced with cumin and coriander and flavored with tomato paste, this...
An easy Lettuce Soup recipe. This soup is a great way to use lettuce's outer leaves and ribs, which usually go to waste. Any kind of potato and any salad...
A dash of red pepper flakes adds nuance to this condiment of sweet red peppers cooked with vinegar, sugar, and pectin. Serve it on a cheese board or stir...