Think of all the activities that your microbes do for you, from releasing vitamins to creating fatty acids and hormones that impact your mood and inflammation....
Easy version of the Thanksgiving classic. The addition of cinnamon and star anise gives this relish a bit of excitement. This can be made up to a week...
Saffron rice is an indispensable accompaniment in Persian cuisine, and it tastes just as good made with fluffy quinoa. Crushing and steeping the saffron...
Baked tofu is crispy on the outside, creamy inside, and loaded with flavor. Removing as much water as possible from the tofu before cooking it, as in this...
At Caffè Sicilia, this granita is served for breakfast along with a brioche and a shot of espresso-a wonderful way to start the day. Unlike most other...
Let's be honest, we all loved grilled tortillas, and I honestly feel like this is the best breakfast I've eaten in my entire 24 years of life. Even if...
Because cauliflower steaks are held together by the piece of stem at the base of each head, you can really only cut two thick steaks per cauliflower. Save...
The unusual name of this cake, also known as "Crazy," "Mixed-Up," "Mix-in-the-Pan," or "Three-Hole" cake, was inspired from the fact that the ingredients...