This recipe has been a family favorite for over 30 years! These crepes are delicious and very rich! Be sure you have at least 1 hour to prepare, they are...
This French delicacy is extremely versatile, as it can be filled with virtually anything -- fruits, pudding, mousse for desserts as well as vegetables...
I am a French Canadian from Montreal, this recipe is one of the first ones that I learned as a child growing up and can either be served traditional style...
My Hungarian grandmother has made this for us ever since we were kids...certainly not health food but maybe one of the tastiest things you'll ever eat!...
After tweaking a crepe recipe I came up with this incredibly delicious version -- chocolate crepe batter, with bananas and chocolate sauce! A very big...
Umm Umm Ummm! This recipe was given to me by a friend and I just love it. Crepes with chocolate, strawberries and a whipped topping -- what more can I...
Using this simple 'crepe cake' technique, you can turn any of your favorite cake fillings into visually stunning, multi-layered masterpieces. By the way,...
When I was a little girl, my mother would always make us crepes on Sundays. I also loved the smell of vanilla when my mother would make her cookies. So,...
A creamy ricotta filling with a hint of lemon and almond is baked inside of a sweet Italian pie pastry. Typically served on Easter, but not exclusively,...
Recipe video above. An easy Caramel Slice recipe that delivers as promised - a creamy caramel filling that sets perfectly (no more runny caramel!) and...
This recipe makes the best hot fudge sauce I have ever had! It stores very well in the fridge. Just put some in a bowl and microwave for a few seconds...
One of our classic recipes, refreshed! A little less sugar in both the filling and the topping highlights the tart apples. We prefer it with a scoop of...
Recipe video above. Chocolate muffins that truly taste of chocolate and stay fresh for days are a rarity! This recipe delivers, thanks to some tidy tricks...
Raspberry bars combine tart flavors with a buttery base. It takes very little time and only a few ingredients to make these rich buttery raspberry-filled...
So I thought I was following another recipe, doing it from memory (and obviously my memory failed me) and voila - a new recipe was created! Good mistake...
DH saw an advertisement and thought this sounded good. I did some digging and found a recipe that I could modify. Serve with rice to absorb the wonderful...
This is my favorite jello salad of all time. I make it for Christmas and Thanksgiving every year as well as other special occasions. It looks pretty and...
Apple pie bars are a pleasing treat size. These apple bars are an all-time favorite, perfect for after-school snacks, coffee with friends or as an easy...
Can you say yum!!! I had these at a French breakfast restaurant, this recipe is the closest I can get it. Its so quick and easy but looks and taste like...
This is the first recipe for crepes that I have ever been able to make right. I was psyched that I didn't have to use egg replacer because it is such a...
Recipe video above. Tastes like Apple Crumble - in bar form! Shortbread-like base, jammy apple filling and crumbly top. Take it over the top with a drizzle...