Caldereta is a comforting beef stew popular in the Philippines. Every family has its own version. Experiment with the ingredients and try different vegetables....
This simple, nourishing stew of tripe and vegetables is found in innumerable variations throughout Latin America and around the Caribbean. On the islands...
I wanted to use my slow cooker convenience for fresh summer eggplant and squash, so I came up with this recipe. Using the slow cooker makes this an easy...
A little too hearty to be called a soup, this recipe is a great way to use leftover pulled pork. Such a crowd pleaser, I can't keep it in my house! Great...
This is my great grandfather, Reverend Philip Worth's recipe. He was a great pastor and served his congregation very well and very loyally at Beautiful...
This is an easy and authentic version of Korean tofu stew. I used to eat this every day at a very popular restaurant. I befriended a woman who worked there...
This easy vegetarian okra dish is flavorful enough to have by itself as a stew with cornbread or as a side dish at Sunday supper. Use only fresh vegetables...
Beef tongue is combined with veggies and slowly simmered in tomato sauce and spice. Serve over rice or any other whole grain (buckwheat, quinoa, bulgur,...
This is a great comfort food for those cold winter days, and it's great tasting. This is my own recipe. I like to serve it in big pre-warmed soup bowls...
This thick, stick-to-your-ribs stew features tender wild rice and buttery-soft chicken. The poultry slowly simmers on the bone all day long, lending more...
Gomgush is a traditional brothy stew of Armenia. Fresh ingredients are very important and it is cooked it in an unwashed tonir (similar to a tandoor) that...
This meaty stew is usually made with wild game such as venison or boar, but you can use beef, pork, or other meat--just use a lot. It's perfect for feeding...
This is one of my favorite gumbos I make. The combination of ingredients may sound strange, but they go together so well and it is so delicious. Serve...
This hearty Chilean stew of beef, corn, and pumpkin is a one dish meal. The main ingredients are stewed in serving-sized pieces, so that each person receives...
This is a simple and tasty way I make venison. Like anything else it's better with fresh ingredients rather than canned, but this is what I had on hand....
Based on the ingredients of the lula kebab, this Middle Eastern-derived recipe uses ground lamb, carrots, and white beans to create a tasty stew-like dish...
'Dakdoritang' is a chicken dish that's cooked in a spicy red sauce along with vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions. It's also called 'dakbokkeumtang'...
This recipe is adapted from a recipe shared by our Aunt Dot. The ground turkey makes it healthier, although ground beef can be used instead. Can be made...
Traditional Brazilian black beans (feijoada) can take quite some time to prepare. Considering I spend most of my time chasing after 2 small children, I've...
Served with fresh bread and a salad, this hearty beef stew is a family favorite. It can be made fresh, browning the meat then tossing all the ingredients...
We saw the basis for this recipe at a 4-H presentation. We adapted it to our taste and love it. The coriander, cumin, cinnamon, allspice, clove, and dried...
The flavor and color of fresh vegetables and herbs abound in this stew. Make the meatballs first, and let them firm up in the refrigerator while you chop...
A spicy chicken and chile dish. A good friend of mine from Guadalajara who works hard to make this on the stove inspired me to make my own version in the...
This is called 'Middle-Eastern' fava bean stew and not 'Moroccan' because I have also borrowed flavors from my Lebanese roots. This stew came to me on...
This is a tasty and easy-to-make pork tenderloin stew. The black pepper and cumin gives a nice edge to counter the softness of the potatoes and tenderized...
A fast and easy stew for those cold nights when you want comfort food, but don't want to spend a lot of time cooking. It's an old favorite in our family...