A classic, simple beef stew recipe that my grandmother developed and that is now being enjoyed by a fourth generation in my family. Delicious with salad...
This has been served on Christmas Eve in our family forever. We also serve Chili, for those who don't care for oysters. Great with buttered crackers warmed...
This is an easy fish stew popular in Eastern North Carolina that goes especially well with cornbread. The cracked egg over the top and the tomato soup...
I have been making this stew for years and everyone raves about it! Even my four picky kids with different tastes. They always ask for more! Hearty and...
A hearty Spanish meal blended with a chili. Great comfort food! Can be done in either slow cooker or stove. Make sure meat is cooked if using slow cooker....
This is a comforting, authentic, East Indian dish that is packed with nutrients, nourishment, and flavor. It is a quick, easy, and economical dish perfect...
A hearty and tasty stew that will please even the most demanding eater. The chickpeas, eggplant, salami, garlic, and cilantro will make people think you...
This is definitely a cheater version of cassoulet, but a nice change of pace for a weeknight crock pot meal! Serve with French bread to sop up the lovely...
The traditional dish uses a good amount of olive oil and meat with a lot of marbling. This version is lower in fat, but is true to the spirit of the recipe....
Pepian is among the 4 national dishes of Guatemala declared in 2007 as an inseparable part of its heritage. Pepian is hot, hearty, and simple yet complex....
Super tasty and loaded with goodness. This is one of my favorite stew that I'd like to make on a chilly day. It warms me up instantly with tons of great...
This is a deliciously spicy, chunky stew. My husband loves this during the fall and winter with nice thick slices of fresh Italian bread. Goes over really...
This is a great healthy, hearty dish for a cold night. It's particularly good served with homemade biscuits! If you prefer, put ingredients in a casserole...
This is a traditional German Stew served for Halloween. Its hearty flavors go perfect with the chilly nights of the harvest festival. Serve the stew in...
The maltiness of dark beer really does amazing things for this gravy. It's a very simple dish, but at the same time it has a deep, complex, rich flavor....
This luscious lamb stew has layers of Moroccan flavor that just don't quit. It might be too spicy for some tastes, but this can easily be toned down to...
This recipe was made up when my kitten broke a jar of braising sauce and I had 3 pounds of stew meat to do something with. It turned out so delicious!...
An incredible combination of flavors. Inexpensive and simple, but surprisingly yummy. Can be made with meat or vegetarian. Excellent served over rice or...
This is my take on pozole. I fell in love with traditional pozole a few years ago when a friend from New Mexico made the dish. Although I love the traditional...
A cabbage, barley, and sauerkraut soup/stew that is easy to prepare, low in fat, and intensely flavorful. My mother makes this without measurements (a...
We're going to use this spicy and delicious New Orleans classic to demonstrate that it is possible to get good results from using waterlogged frozen shrimp,...
Dis iz a terrific gumbo recipe, if'n you close your eyes, you'll swear Mama is makin'it fer ya. Feel free to substitute crawdads fer de shrimp. File is...
This beef stew always has people asking for the recipe. It is thick and heavy on the onion, as that is what my family likes. As I am lazy, I do not brown...
Mushroom Bourguignon became an instant favorite the first time it landed on our dinner table. Mushrooms are umami powerhouses, and this dish retains all...
This lamb stew is a lighter version of more traditional recipes, but still provides the comfort of those heartier stews. It is a great way to make use...