A hearty beef and vegetable stew with a little spice that is quick to prepare. You can cook the whole thing in one hour, or let it simmer in the slow cooker...
Here in Louisiana, there's nothing better than this classic during crawfish season. This recipe is easy and can be substituted with shrimp when crawfish...
This is a yummy recipe, a fusion of tomato sauce, liver pate, cheese and chunks of beef. This is a rich gourmet recipe from Batangas but instead of beef,...
In the quaint seaside city of Trani, along the Adriatic shoreline, is a delightful restaurant called Le Lampare. There I was introduced to Farro con Legumi...
This is the quickest and easiest way to make Sauerbraten that was handed down by my grandmother. Our family has always used a pressure cooker. However,...
Got this recipe from an anthropologist friend in Arizona, and given the use of canned product, it is said to date to the 1920s to early 30s. Spicy and...
Wonderful stew recipe with crescent rolls laid on top in a pie formation. I used this recipe when I used to work up in Cody, Wyoming. If you do not own...
One big centerpiece dish that is perfect for a fall or winter buffet is cassoulet, a hearty French stew of beans, lamb or pork, sausages and roast duck...
Wonderful main meal stew using 8-ounce container of oysters. Good served with toasted and buttered thick sliced bread and simple fruit, such as canned...
This hearty slow cooker dish concocted by my grandmother consists of linguica, potatoes, zucchini, onions, and bacon. You can add other vegetables like...
This is a low-fat version of the classic Cajun dish. You can use any kind of meat...sausage, chicken, shrimp, or, as I do, lowfat turkey sausage. This...
This is a hearty Alsatian stew traditionally served with simple boiled potatoes. It will serve 4 or 2 people for 2 meals. Have it the first night with...
This is an easy, authentic dish from South Asia that appeals to a wide range of tastes. The combination of ingredients may appear unusual, but even those...
This is a classic Andhra dish consisting of roasted eggplant (brinjal) in a sweet and sour stew. The sweetness is from jaggery and the sourness is from...
This chorizo and butter bean stew is warming, rich and very easy to make in just 30 minutes. Packed with Spanish flavours and extra nutritious, this is...
The Chicken Mushroom Stew has a light, fresh taste from the celery, with an earthy undertone from the mushrooms. I used white button mushrooms, but you...
Eggplant and mushrooms are braised in hearty red wine for a vegetarian version of the classic French stew. Serve over rice or noodles for a complete vegetarian...
This is a recipe my dad created that is similar in taste to a seafood stew he used to eat at a casino in Reno. He only wished that I hadn't liked it as...
This Jambalaya pleases every one from picky kids to the even pickier dads, total time from start to finish is about 40 minutes, and a big plus ONLY ONE...
We decided to make this classic New Orleans-style dish the old fashioned way and we just know you're gonna love this hot and steamy gumbo. It's like a...
I discovered this one day while trying to use up some leftover canned tomatoes and celery. You could probably double, triple, etc. the ingredients and...
Comfort food delicious. This is something we start in the late morning and let simmer on the stove all afternoon. People just help themselves when the...
This is a very robust and savory stew!! If you are a lover of seafood, you will love this stew. Be creative and try a different type of fish each time...
A very traditional Brazilian stew made with black beans, sausage, and all the tasty bits of pork. For a traditional Brazilian spread, serve hot with white...
My grandmother used to make this for my grandfathers lunch when he worked outside for the railroad. She put it in his thermos, and always called it thermos...
My version of one of our favorite ways to reuse smoked pulled pork. Feel free to use canned green chiles and cooked meat of your choice. Garnish with queso...
This variation of beef stew is hearty, easy to make and low in fat. You can substitute venison for the beef. If you want to stretch out the recipe, try...
Opor ayam is an Indonesian chicken dish originating from the central to Eastern parts of the Java islands. This is usually served to enliven Ramadan in...
My mom's beef stew recipe that she's perfected over 25 years. Tender chunks of beef couple with hearty vegetables in a rich gravy for a soul-warming treat....