When you feel like splurging a little, San Francisco's famous Cioppino is a great choice.This spicy fish and shellfish stew is a big red bowl of yummy,...
This delicious, healthy North African-inspired stew is a family favorite, served with warm bread or even over couscous. You can make the entire stew ahead...
This recipe has been in my family for many years, ever since we moved to Georgia over 30 years ago. It consists of chicken and salt pork with potatoes,...
Compared to other methods of preparing gumbo this one is relatively quick and simple. The results however are top-notch and sure to please. Serve with...
Hearty and full of flavor, this slow cooker beef stew with wine is perfect for the busy parent. There is no need to precook anything and everything can...
An authentic Mexican pork stew made with dried chiles, no chili powder here! The guajillo chiles add a very smoky flavor while the ancho chiles add a touch...
This savory, one-pot, slow cooker pork stew is great in autumn with seasonal sweetness from fresh apples and yams. I came up with it years ago, and have...
My fiance is from the D.R. and his mother has made me some amazing food! The first time she made sancocho I fell in love with it. It is often made with...
Pure comfort food for a chilly day for the slow cooker! A little prep time needed up front. Don't be fooled by how much onion and garlic is used. It's...
This quick and easy gumbo is a hearty and filling meal that is great anytime! The frozen vegetables speed up the cooking process and you can add additional...
This dish will warm your heart on a cold day. I first had this at a friend's house in Louisiana and after a few changes, shrimp instead of chicken for...
This hearty, spicy beef stew is only for those that can handle the heat. I prefer to make it in the slow cooker, but it can be made stove top also. Great...
Ghormeh sabzi is deliciously savory and loaded with the flavors of several different green herbs. It's traditionally served atop white rice (polow). You...
This is by far the best vegetable beef stew that I have ever made. My grandmother gave me the recipe. My husband, who is a very picky eater, loves this...
A twist on traditional beef stew--stew meat that is so tender even the most finicky eaters will love! (i.e. kids that don't like meat that is tough to...
This hearty Indiana gumbo is great anytime of year, but especially when it's cold outside and you and your friends are huddled around the tube watching...
This is a booyah recipe that is adapted from originally a 50 gallon recipe cooked in large 55 gallon cast-iron kettles with a wood fire, most often at...
Here's my version of a traditional Mexican 'Guisado de Puerco en Chile Verde' (Green Chile and Pork stew). It is bursting with flavor, and is mildly-spicy....
This hearty beef and vegetable stew that can be made in the slow-cooker is a family favorite. It is also the backbone for an excellent beef soup, if you...
Did a lot of research on jambalaya and reviewed a number of recipes and came up with the following. I like white fish and, while not traditional, added...
With flavors reminiscent of Morocco and Mexico, this easy yet richly-flavored stew contains loads of chicken, vegetables, and some surprising spices! If...
Just like grandma used to make. Very little work goes into this homemade beef stew but it was always made with love. Serve with saltine crackers or yeast...
This basic recipe uses simple and often used ingredients. It can be spiced up any way, but our spices we have found bring out the best flavor and they...
This concoction formed from what I had on hand on a cold afternoon. This beef, barley, and mushroom stew is now a home favorite and will hopefully be enjoyed...
This is a favorite home meal from my mom. My sister had to write while my mom cooked in order to get the recipe right. It's easy and will impress anyone....
The secret to beef bourguignon? Slow cooking! This is a slow cooker beef bourguignon that tastes delicious after a long, slow simmer. It is even better...
Chickpeas, eggplant, onions, tomatoes, and lots of olive oil stew together to create a traditional Mediterranean meal for your family. Serve with couscous,...
A hearty vegetarian lentil stew that's delicious, inexpensive, and goes a long way. Even if you're not a vegetarian, it makes a fulfilling, delicious meal....