Roma tomatoes and garlic are oven roasted and caramelized to give your pasta a deep, rich flavor. Roasting the tomatoes really draws out the sweet flavor,...
Delicious fajita marinade made with lime juice, olive oil, and soy sauce, and spiced up with cayenne and black pepper. Makes enough marinade for 2 pounds...
Although steamed asparagus has an unmatched purity of taste, I love the earthy, charred flavor added by the grill, a flavor that can also be achieved with...
This traditional Mexican carne asada marinade recipe will marinade 5 or 6 pounds of meat and can be easily halved or doubled. I've tried many carne asada...
Kapusta is a great side dish at any meal and even makes a great main dish for vegetarians. This recipe was passed down by my Polish grandmother. I grew...
Extremely easy and quick pasta sauce recipe. Use for cooked chicken or shrimp, too. For a lower fat version, substitute half and half for the cream and...
Delicious glazed sprouts. Our family loves them with lots of bacon. While we do enjoy them prepared lighter, this is a great quick side dish for a special...
My family loves a variety of ethnic foods, but this is one of their favorites. My niece, who is of Spanish descent, lives with us and has tweaked my old...
I created this recipe by accident. After already starting dinner one night I realized I didn't have enough potatoes on hand to make mashed, so I improvised...
After realizing how quick and easy it is to make homemade mayo (and how much better it tastes) I will never buy store bought again! All you need is an...
I've been making this dish for years - it's different from typical rice pilaf dishes in that the cranberries add the sweetness and the tartness that you...
A butter spread that gives great flavor to sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, French toast, plain toast, pancakes, or waffles. Keep butter covered and refrigerated...
This recipe is so quick, easy, and versatile, you may never purchase bottled dressing again. A variety of herbs and spices can be added to suit your personal...
Pasta with herbs, delicious sauteed garlic, and plenty of freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Chop the garlic so that some is minced and some is larger pieces....
This versatile side dish would work great along with pork, chicken, beef or fish. The trick is to slowly add the cornmeal and whisk constantly to avoid...
Two of the staples of Italian cuisine, zucchini and Parmesan cheese, team up for a recipe that's easy to make and impressive to serve. These baked "boats"...
Don't let stale baguettes go to waste! These garlic-parmesan croutons are the perfect crunchy topper for salads and soups. And they're ridiculously easy...
This is a recipe for a delicious and cheesy creamed spinach. It's easy and tastes much better than any store bought or frozen versions. I made it for Thanksgiving...
Drain some low-fat yogurt overnight to make this yummy cucumber dressing. This is a delicious topping for grilled chicken or meat. It's also a great dip...
The hardest line cook job I ever had was at the Carnelian Room, where on a busy night I'd prepare over 250 steaks and chops. The biggest challenge was...
This is my mother's latke recipe which has been a smashing hit at dozens of Chanukah parties. The secret is in the potatoes, which are crushed rather than...