Slight twist to an old favorite. Chili powder gives the potatoes and onions in this recipe some zing! I make these for breakfast every Sunday, and my family...
This is a quick, easy, and delicious recipe that all will enjoy. Try adding cooked, cubed pork or chicken, bean sprouts, water chestnuts, sliced almonds,...
Add feta and basil to roasted vegetables for a perfect summer side dish. The trick is to cut all the veg the same size so they cook in the same amount...
This recipe has to be the best tasting sauerkraut I've ever had. Traditionally, my family serves pork and sauerkraut every New Year's Day for luck in the...
It's hard to bake an onion ring as good as a deep-fried version. These are pretty good, so check it out! This makes a very crunchy, easy, no-muss, no-fuss...
This is my secret recipe for Garlic Mashed potatoes, reverse engineered from a certain Italian restaurant. This recipe for 100 servings, I usually cut...
The sweetness of mango, pineapple and red pepper is given a zing from fresh ginger and a kick from hot chile pepper. Serve this chutney with grilled chicken...
The latest German import to my potato side dish collection are these soft, comforting dumplings drizzled in browned butter and topped with, sorry, not...
These potatoes have a nice Mediterranean flair to them, with the lemon, garlic, and herbs. These are so delicious out of the oven topped with plenty of...
Best potatoes you will ever make, guaranteed! This recipe feeds a lot of people. I took it to a potluck and the pan came home licked clean, literally!...
Simple sauce that combines sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors into a wonderful dipping sauce for chips, grilled chicken, and spring rolls. It can be...
Great tasting homemade onion rings! Easy to prepare, and best of all... you are able to make twice as many for half the price! Enjoy your heart out, onion...
Simple and easy homemade teriyaki sauce. Never buy a bottle again! Keep careful watch over sauce when it's over heat. Increase or reduce the amount of...
This is what we called 'Gobbledygook' when we were kids. It's actually a Southern version of very sweet, stewed tomatoes. It isn't the most attractive...
You can't have a holiday dinner without a sweet potato souffle! And this is a wonderful version. I got this from my mother-in-law, who got the recipe from...
This recipe is so easy to make, tastes great and is a big hit at dinner time. It's even a hit as leftovers! It uses simple ingredients that you always...
This incredibly easy-to-make Alabama white barbecue sauce was invented in 1925 by Robert 'Big Bob' Gibson at Big Bob Gibson's Bar-B-Q restaurant, in Decatur....
I learned to make white sauce in Home Ec too many years ago to count. It can be used as a base for lots of dishes. I use it for macaroni and cheese for...