This is an easy and very flavorful recipe using white wine, scallops, mussels, and lemon. Great for an appetizer without the pasta or meal with it. Made...
Easy, elegant starter: One of the most popular appetizers I've ever served, this combo of low-calorie seafood and antioxidant-rich tomatoes, onions, avocado...
Throw it into the pot with your shellfish of choice (live, frozen, tails, etc.) to add delicious oomph to your bugs! Simmer an additional 3 minutes for...
These shrimp fajitas take on a different technique as they don't use a typical liquid marinade, and are air fried. You can use your preferred fajita seasoning...
This is a fresh, incredibly savory way to cook mussels with loads of garlic, onions, fresh herbs, spices and a light tomato lemon twist. Dish up in bowls...
I am married, have a daughter, and work full-time outside the home. Nutritious, quick and simple is my game. This is a simple meal that can be prepared...