My sauteed shrimp with spinach, tomatoes, and spaghetti squash is a great meal to prepare together with your kids, friends, or spouse. The beautiful colors...
Lemon-garlic shrimp over pasta is a staple meal in our family because it is quick to make and the kids love it! You can also pair these lemon garlic shrimp...
Delicious, tender octopus stewed in white wine, butter, caramelized onions, ginger, and garlic. This is a re-creation from a dish I had in Puerto Viejo,...
This is a Spanish style Creole dish where the lobster tails may be substituted by shrimp or you can convert it into a seafood Creole by combining both...
A succulent, red hot, delightful dish for prawn lovers. Try it as an appetizer or as a light main dish. Serve with a salad and some rice in your own romantic...
Simple and easy, these wonderfully flavorful shellfish delights will impress your guests. Try preparing them on the grill for exciting outdoor fun. Don't...
This low-carb pasta alternative gets topped with shrimp, olives, tomatoes, and feta for a healthy and quick meal. Take care not to overcook the zucchini...
Rich pot pie, perfect evening comfort food on a cold night! It is labor-intensive and expensive, but the end result is worth the effort--avoid shortcuts...
Giant bay scallops are a great sous-vide candidate as they come out tender and juicy and delicate. Pair with an airy espuma soy ginger sauce and you have...
Don't be tempted to disturb the gnocchi when browning-the hands-off approach is key to letting them develop a deep brown color on one side. This recipe...