Made these for my future in-laws, who will be visiting this weekend. We tried one and they are fabulous. I think toasting the nuts really helped the flavor...
This is an excellent recipe for banana blueberry loaf! Be sure to mash the bananas with a fork, don't puree them, this gives for a better texture to the...
These muffins taste like or are a cross between Tim Hortons Old Fashioned Glazed and Cinnamon Spice Timbits. SO YUMMY ...and so Canadian eh?! :) These...
Friendship Starter Ingredients; Note: if you recieved a cup of starer from a friend..and have this on either bake the bread now...OR you can...
The best part of cornbread is the crispy outer surface. You'll need a corn stick pan to make these. From the Southern chapter of the United States Regional...
I found this recipe online years ago and I've been making it ever since. I make this every year for St. Patrick's Day and get requests for it just about...
This was my playmate's mother's recipe Oh how I loved this date loaf! (Doris Eppinger --neeAllen). After school if we were lucky we'd get a slice. I hope...
This is a zucchini bread made only with whole wheat flour, I'm sure you could make it 1/2 with whole wheat flour and 1/2 with all purpose. It is really...
This is a recipe from one of my mother's old cookbooks. If you don't have buttermilk, sour milk will do, or you can mix 1 T vinegar with milk to make 1...
This is an easy fool proof bread that you can whip up and walk away for an hour. It's a version of my Mom's bread, but I prefer an all cranberry bread!...
Adapted from Dave DeWitt and Mary Jane Wilan's book ' Callaloo, Calypso and Carnival: The Cuisines of Trinidad and Tobago'. This easy-to-make, versatile...
I like this cornbread because of its great taste. Moist and so easy to mix up. Also is good hot, warm and cold. I like to add diced red jalapeno or some...
These are great breakfast handfuls. My DH loved them. I wrapped them individually & refrigerated them & he kept snaking on them all day. Easy & good, the...
Honey instead of sugar sweetens this homemade banana bread. The best type of bananas to use are the very, very ripe ones--once the peels start to turn...
This recipe is great. It makes a very light (not compact) carrot bread/cake and is so simple to make!! I substituted light muscovado sugar for the brown...
We don't like cornbread per se, so I was looking around and found these today (12/19/06) .. I made them. Oh my gosh!! Moist isn't the word! The batter...
These delicious, moist muffins came from the Practical Produce Cookbook. I played around with some of the ingredients(mainly because I was too lazy to...
A moist, very tender muffin that we all enjoy. I eat mine plain but they are also good with butter or jam. It is surprising how tasty they are without...
This is BY FAR the best cornbread I have ever had. I got it from a special section of the Minnesota Monthly Magazine a few years back. I had a lot of the...
You HAVE to try this!! What a great combination-how can you go wrong with peanut butter, chocolate, and bananas?? This recipe is from the Better Homes...
These hearty muffins have everything in them like carrot, apple, coconut, pecans, and raisins. I tweaked a couple of recipes for morning glory muffins...
This is the best apple bread I've tried! It's moist and delicious. This also works well using Egg Beaters and unsweetened applesauce in place of half the...
Wonderful carrot bran muffins that are low in fat, yet, I find, taste almost buttery. They have a wonderful moist yet fluffy texture, and not too sweet...
Alright... I found it. This is *the* cornbread recipe that I'm using from now on. It's incredibly moist, and to quote Paula "so good!" If you don't have...
OMG! Chocolate and cranberries - who would have known this was a mix made in heaven???!! Adapted from a recipe from 125 Best Chocolate Chip recipes. You...
Unlike many of the recipes here, none of the soda bread that I have ever eaten in Ireland was sweet or contained sugar, so here is a recipe for a traditional...