My new favorite desserts are bread puddings made with croissants. Not low fat but rich and satisfying. As with any bread pudding, the mixture can sit up...
A moist and delicious alternative to cake, made with healthy, fresh pumpkin. Canned pumpkin fills the key ingredient, but fresh is much better tasting!...
I have no clue where I got this recipe but I found it written down in my handwriting. I used to make this when I was in high school and it was always a...
Yummy muffins with only fruit as the sweetener. Also, no flour only oat bran. This is the second recipe I have tried from "Sweet & Natural; Desserts without...
From a Dole pamphlet I've had sitting around since 1986! This is a nice twist on a standard banana bread or poppy seed bread. I love the light hint of...
Mmm-mmm, good! Whenever I make cornbread, I always double the recipe and voila! 2nd time's the charm with this delectable cornbread pudding. I use the...
These are buttery, not-too-sweet muffins with a nice puffy top and a nip of nutmeg (Kind of like a baked Tom & Jerry!) They're a nice little treat in the...
Kids will ask for more! If you love the mix of banana and chocolate you will love these light muffins! A R. Reisman recipe. I have made this recipe both...
Whole wheat and oatmeal come together with tangy dried cranberries and cranberry sauce to make a tender and slightly chewy, healthy muffin! Originally...
These are *so* good! they may be made in to baby Butter Puffs by using mini muffin tins and reducing the baking time --- I sometimes add in 1/2 teaspoon...
I came up with this recipe myself. I hope you like it. It isn't as sweet as some quick breads because of the cranberries, but I like the tartness. Let...
I came up with this recipe as a way to use the fresh beets I get in my CSA box. It tastes just like zucchini bread to me, but it's a pretty pink color...
This recipe makes 2 loaves of delicious bread. People come to Norma's to just buy this bread. Norma's has three locations in Pensacola, FL. This bread...
From an Ocean Spray Cranberry flyer that I found in my huge collection of saved recipe clipouts. I love cranberries and I love the flavor of pumpkin so...
This is a healthy snack I concocted for my daughter when she was in school for those after school munchies. It satisfies and adds plenty of fiber, with...
Coffee is easily one of my favourite 'flavours' (as well as one of my favorite beverages). This is an awesome, coffee-flavoured muffin to enjoy with the...
Made this up when I had a glut of both ingredients one summer. It's very moist and is best, I think, when served cold from the refrigerator. Makes 2 loaves...
This is a delightful, moist, and flavourful treat. It doesn't feel or taste oily like most zucchini bread recipes. I created this recipe to use up those...
Posted for a quick, weeknight bread, or as a snack. This is delicious, but quick and easy. I came up with this trying to match a bread we get from a local...
This is my favorite pumpkin recipe of the season... Adapted from a pumpkin bread recipe i found on, my version is more like spicy gingerbread...
I got this recipe from a container of Dannon Light & Fit yogurt. I made the muffins for breakfast, and every last one of them was gone by supper! Posting...
You won't believe it's an all whole wheat quick bread! Lower in sugar (honey) that most recipes, this zucchini bread is fabulous. Low fat seekers can sub...
These are truly the best blueberry muffins I have ever made. I think that the secret is using honey instead of sugar for the sweetener. My daughter, who...
From Martha's book in 2002. This makes a wonderful 18th Century approprate cornbread. I make it at encampments in a dutch oven. If you are not interested...
This bread is a combination of zucchini and banana bread, and it is a wonderful way to use up old bananas and dip into that summer harvest of zucchini....
I altered this recipe but I got the original recipe from a Bran Buds cereal box. I made these into extra high fibre and lower fat & sugar muffins, that...
This is an old favorite of mine that I've made for the last 20 years or so. I think the original came from a magazine, and I tweaked it a bit to suit my...
I can't claim credit for this fantastic recipe, but I can sure pass it on! This recipe features spices found in a good cup of Chai, and packs a lot of...
I stumbled upon this recipe on line and thought it sounded yummy. I think this would be great with toasted english walnuts and cranberries too. Can't wait...