This simple brick-oven pizza recipe has been made famous by several well-known, Brooklyn wood-fire pizzerias. Best accompanied by ice-cold, pilsner-style...
This is a potato pizza with pesto, red onions, feta and much, much more. While it may sound odd on paper, it's quite delicious, and makes a good case for...
This is new addition to my recipe box. Very tasty and simple. I gave this to my neighbor and she loved it! Although it probably violated any number of...
Pizza at home can be just as tasty as one from a local pizzeria. This pizza gets a jumpstart by using a lot of ready-made ingredients, including the dough....
Delicious and loaded with fresh veggies, this is pizza for people who want a change from tomato sauce. Use any fresh veggies and any pizza crust. Use light...
BEST...PIZZA...EVER!! This is the basic recipe. Add your favorite flavors to make it personal. Suggestions: Bacon, onion, avocado, tomato, havarti cheese,...
My kids (and hubby) love this as a quick and super easy lunch or snack. It taste better than the cheap personal store bought pizzas and the kids love to...
I can't remember where I got this recipe but I do know I've used it for years and it's really good. It's a wonderful change of pizza ingredients beside...
Made this for the first time tonight and it was very good. Served it with a nice green salad! I didn't have any fresh parsley on hand so I skipped that...
sometimes i will roll up mozzerella string cheese into the edges of the crust and just a lil pizza sauce in with it. you can also melt some butter and...
This was our meal for Cinco de Mayo. This is my recipe I put together with what I had and it sure was a hit with my family. I'll be making it again and...
I just whipped this up the other day, and my husband took his first bite and said "WOW! holy cow!!! Hunny this is amazing!!!!!" So, I give it a thumbs...
This is a potato pizza with pesto, red onions, feta and much, much more. While it may sound odd on paper, it's quite delicious, and makes a good case for...
Mashed potato pizza is a pizza using mashed potatoes instead of sauce. I modeled it after a pizza I had at Willoughby Brewing Company, if you like this...
Here's my version for a quick veggie pizza, based on the combinations offered by many pizza chains. You can make adjustments to the quantities and choice...
Forget the old Chicago vs. NY debate! America's best pizza could very well be Detroit-style pizza. Even though it's often referred to as 'deep dish,' I...
Now found exclusively at one well-known pizza garden in Gravesend, Brooklyn, this style of pizza was once found in neighborhood bakeries. This pizza is...
Deliciously quick and easy - a gourmet pizza in half the time you would think! You could use any pizza crust, but Quick and Easy Pizza Crust submitted...
Home cooks will find deep-dish pizza, with its unique buttery cornmeal crust, more forgiving than its New York counterpart. No need to worry about having...
Sweet and savory, this is a delightfully fresh and fruity pizza. Cream cheese, mango and walnuts on a hot baked pizza crust make a tropical, tasty treat!...
This appetizer is a cool pizza made with refrigerated crescent roll dough and topped with finely chopped vegetables. Zucchini, mushrooms, green peppers,...
This appetizer is a cool pizza made with refrigerated crescent roll dough and topped with finely chopped vegetables. Zucchini, mushrooms, green peppers,...
What's better than pizza? A patriotic flag pizza, of course! Baked in the shape of a flag with pepperoni slices for stripes and purple potatoes for the...
This is among my husband's favorite dinners! The flavors compliment each other so well and it is so easy! I use frozen bread dough to speed the process....
This unusual yet tasty sweet and savory pizza is made with a curried red lentil sauce instead of tomato sauce, and then topped with a delicious mix of...