A creamy and savory pizza topped with fresh nutty-flavored arugula and drizzled with a splash of fresh lemon juice. Perfect for a Friday night at home...
Basic Vegan Pizza Dough. Oil-free white fluffy pizza crust. Unbleached white flour pizza crust, ready within 35 minutes. Use with any sauces. Makes 2 medium...
We like pizza but avoid it because of the obvious reasons. I've been looking for a healthier alternative and still have good pizza flavor. I've tried store-bought...
My Friends and Family just love this Pizza especially for someone who don't do tomatoes based sauces and for someone who wants something different. Its...
This unusual yet tasty sweet and savory pizza is made with a curried red lentil sauce instead of tomato sauce, and then topped with a delicious mix of...
This is a simple recipe for authentic brick-oven pizza made famous by several, well-known Brooklyn pizzerias. Best accompanied by ice-cold pilsner-style...
This is a potato pizza with pesto, red onions, feta and much, much more. While it may sound odd on paper, it's quite delicious, and makes a good case for...
Mashed potato pizza is a pizza using mashed potatoes instead of sauce. I modeled it after a pizza I had at Willoughby Brewing Company, if you like this...
This appetizer is a cool pizza made with refrigerated crescent roll dough and topped with finely chopped vegetables. Zucchini, mushrooms, green peppers,...
This recipe uses dried porcini mushrooms that have been rehydrated in warm water. If you can find fresh porcinis, also known as cepes and the great bolete,...
For when Buzz steals the last slice, make your own! Serve with a glass of milk, Kevin McAllister-style. The smoky cheese blend provides a distinct flavor...
This is pizza made on a gas grill. The results are great, and plenty of variations would work. The trick is to grill one side of the pizza dough first,...
This simple brick-oven pizza recipe has been made famous by several well-known, Brooklyn wood-fire pizzerias. Best accompanied by ice-cold, pilsner-style...
These delicious buckwheat pizzas are super healthy and incredibly easy to make. You can use any toppings you like, but we'd really recommend using nutritional...
I came up with this quick, easy pizza when we had run out of our frozen supply. I loved it! It's a delicious, thin-crust, easy pizza that will leave you...
This is a great light meal or snack that can be made with minimum effort. You can also use flat pita bread or focaccias to make other types of delicious...
Use the pumpkin hummus recipe from this site to make this amazing pizza. I love to fool around in the kitchen and I came up with this pizza and my parents...
A bowl of Chili is great on a chilly day..one day I did not want to make a pizza crust so I just put the pizza in a bowl and we enjoyed it with garlic...