A deliciously simple and easy peanut butter and jelly donut.
Author: Stephanie Pass
These are similar to classic shortbread, but with the warm, slightly nutty flavor of einkorn and rye. These little-used flours also make a great choice...
Author: Elisabeth Prueitt
Since I've been writing recipes, this is one I've found to be most popular with everyone who makes it.
Like a rustic pie or tart, a galette is a dessert that usually features fresh, seasonal fruits (like juicy peaches) baked inside a free-form crust.
The Help's ending hinges on a secret involving Minny's famous chocolate pie. Newspaper columnist Lee Ann Flemming, one of the best bakers in Greenwood,...
This is a great shortcut method for making puff pastry. You can use it for sausage rolls, apple turnovers, tarts, and savory pies.
Author: Paul Hollywood
This dessert features two varieties of apples in season: Firm but tender Rome holds its shape, while the creamy McIntosh cooks down into a sauce.
Rugelach are usually made with a cream-cheese dough that's rolled into a crescent shape around a filling. This simplified version uses prepared puff pastry,...
These cut vol au vent pastry cases are the perfect container for classic starter bouchées à la reine, or for any savoury filling of your choice! Try...
Author: Chef Philippe
The ultimate step-by-step guide to how to make the perfect light and flaky classic gluten free pie crust in just one bowl. With a dairy-free option, using...
Author: Nicole Hunn
Author: Nancy Silverton
Vegan apple and blueberry strudel is a take on the classic, layers of crisp pastry filled with a spiced apple and blueberry fruit filling.
Author: The Gourmet Larder